The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Morgan State University is 60%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
As a college student there are many distractions to keep you from doing your very best. If you put your education first and remember that is the reason you're there, everything else will fall in place. Also remember to explore your campus because Morgan State has many things to offer. The library is free, so utilize it. Do not wait until the last minute to cram in your work because it will only put more pressure on you. You're in college, so be sure to have good time management. Even though you're in college, remember to enjoy yourself. You do not want to be a dorm rat; go out and have fun but balance your free time and your school work. As long as you keep up your grades up, you'll enjoy your first year more. Also go to the events the school has and show some school spirit. You'll be able to meet new people and network.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are studious and outspoken.
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What's unique about your campus?
my dorm is quite
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
the worst thing about my school is that the faculty in the financial aid, records and registration, etc offices are not very helpful at times. their lack of enthusiasm to work with the students and help them solve their dilemas is discouraging.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
FInd more money
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
Most people think of Morgan as a Party school. This may be because from Monday to Monday there is a party going on somewhere in the community or the Baltimore area, but when you get to college you have to realize that you are there for a purpose and that is to get a degree. There will alwyas be a party so wait to party after you get all of your work done.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Though so many the best thing about Morgan State University would have to be the relationships our professors allow students to build with them. Morgan's professors look at the students not as another number but as a student who is eager to progress in higher learning and the will work with you in order to get you where you need to be.
I would only change one thing about Morgan and that would be its regress with co ed housing, our university is slightly behind in this area.
In my opinion Morgan's Campus is just right in size. Any place you would need to go on campus is easily accesible, you could walk to any class or take our campus shuttle system that comes every 15-20 minutes.
People react differently when i tell them i attend Morgan State University, but all reactions are positive.
I spend most of my time at Morgan in the dorm building Blount Towers, I work here as a Resident Assistant. I also live in this building, it holds 750 women, has a research lab, as well as a computer lab. This building is directlt across from the dining hall, and very close to main campus, this makes it very easy to attend to everything i need here at Morgan.
My opinion on our administartion is that our administartive team led by Dr. Wilson, is an amazing effficient and effective team.
The amount of school pride on or campus is overwhelming, our university bleeds orange and blue. We are one big bear nation.
There is nothing unusual about Morgan other than its an open campus.
One experience I'll always remember at Morgan would have to be our "I love Morgan Day". Which is where our university acknowledges how much we love every part of our university.
Majority of the complaints that students have based around the campus being open and safety inregards to that.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Morgan State University is underrated.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person who isn't serious about their future. Someone who isn't ready to fce the responsibilites of being an adult. If you're not ready to realize that the world is bigger than yourself and you have to work hard to live in it, you shouldn't attend this college or any college.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about Morgan State University is the poor teacher to student ratio. In my opinion, Morgan State University class sizes are too large.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Anybody that plans to do their work should attend Morgan. If you are planning to go to Morgan just to party then go ahead and rip your application now. You are spending to much money to waste it due to late nights out. Only the strong minded will make it.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Most professors at Morgan State University know you by first and last name.
My favorite calss would have to be HBSE, Human Behavior in Social Environments, where studies are based on our behaviors as human is groups communities and etc. My least favorite class would have to be chemistry.
Students study rates are based on the individual student. Some students take advantage of the library, research labs, and computer labs by using them atleast a few hrs a day, while others do not.
Class participation is very common and in some cases a large portion of your grade. At our university we stress that our students are competent in the field that they are studying by participating in class.
You may often find students debating or entertaining intellectual conversations in the Student Center or outside along the courtyard.
Our students are very competitive as far as learning and uniquely we work hard together to make sure we all succeed.
My department is The School of Social Work, which is one of Morgan's best schools in the university.The School of Social Work is a school that focuses solely on the advancement of our society, We serve as change agents for an ever changing urban and suburban environments, helping infants to elderly we leave no person unnoticed in society.
I spend time with some professors after class with community outreach programs and volunteer projects.
I feel that the academic requirements for Morgan State are above standards and allows equal opportunity for all types of students to attend.
I would say that the education here at Mogan is geared around educating students to be fierce competitors in the job market. Morgan is a great school for networking also so is very easy to get great jobs after graduating.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best known for there engineeering Program
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
what i brag about most when talking about Morgan State University is the great professors. The professors at this amazing university make going to college a wonderful experiance. Not only are the professors exceptional, but so are the students that attend Morgan. If anyone comes to the Morgan State University, they will have the same home and loving feeling i have.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
Morgan State definately has a strong support system. I believe that if everyone in the school had to push the school to a new location it could be accomplished just with the teamwork and work ethic of the students there.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The most popular groups on campus are the various fraternities/sororities as well the Student Government Association. Also there has been a number of programs that give back to community one being Strong Men Overcoming Obstacles Through Hard work (S.M.O.O.T.H). A group I am involved with is the Society of Women Engineers. I am the Male representation of the society. Most students do not leave their dorm rooms open yet some students do. The athletic events are very popular many students tend to come out for them. We seldom have guest speakers but when we do there is always a good turnout. The dating scene is contemporary with many place within Baltimore to go on a date. I met my closest friends at popular events on campus or at parties. If I am awake at 2AM on a Tuesday I would be in the Engineering building working on a project due Wednesday or Thursday. I love Morgan week is a spring semester tradition that is a filled with fun events and activities. People party at least 2 days a week at Morgan. The fraternities/sororities are very important on campus and there are a lot of supporters for probates and events. The last weekend I was at Morgan I went to a get together at a peers house for game night. Rather than drinking on a Saturday night you could go ice skating, see a movie, or attend an art event. I do all of my food shopping, i attend campus derived events, and volunteer off campus.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
To be honest, Morgan was the most generous with scholarship money. I wasn't a straight "A" kid. However, the scholarship I was granted for maintaining a 3.4 GPA in high school paid for over 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my tuition, room, and board costs! The Honors Program here isn't overly stressful, either. I love it.
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Describe the dorms.
The dorms are really close knit. At times to close knit especially for a person who likes privacy. There are other dorms that should match most of your necessities though.
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When you step off campus what do you see?
when you step off campus you tend to see a typical baltimore neighborhood with friendly neighbos and some local shopping centers.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
Reportedly, the athletes and cheerleaders have their own on-campus apartment complex. Their schedules are very demanding, so they ensure we always are watching a good game when we come out and support: whether we win or lose.
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