North Carolina State University at Raleigh Top Questions

Describe the students at North Carolina State University at Raleigh.


My classmates are school spirited individuals, with a deep care for their academic futures.


Crazy, social, and helpful.


Fellow classmates are smart, funny, ambitious, and overall great people.


My classmates know how to balance social and academic demands.


Overall, my classmates are great. I was nervous coming in as a transfer student because I felt out of my element but I've made some good friends in the last year and look forward to meeting even more in the coming year. My best advice is to find someone - faculty or staff - in whom you can confide about your fears. Speak to someone before social anxiety or classwork overwehlms you. Having a strong family support system helps a lot especially when you're out-of-state.


My classmates are friendly and motivated and come from many different backgrounds.


They are all very smart, well-rounded individuals who all want to succeed and live happily.


nice people


My classmates are motivated students that are self -driven. They are developing into our future leaders.


Enthusiastic and eager to help you as well as be able to get help from you if you understand a given topic better than them, its a give an take relationship to help each other learn and succeed equally.