The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Oklahoma City University is 72%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
When looking at colleges to attend, do not hesitate visiting the campuses. A campus tour will not only allow you to interact on the campus, but also give you an opportunity to feel what it would be like to be a student attending that college. Usually a campus tour is given by a student, therefore, a friend is automatically made. I gave tours at Oklahoma City University as one of my on-campus jobs, and I am friends with the students I toured.
The second point of advice is to look at the security of the campus. Oklahoma City University is well protected by our Campus Police. The officers are very approachable and easy to talk to. I feel very safe on my campus and even have the police number saved in my cell phone just in case I need a ride to my car at night.
The third point of advice is to check out jobs and organizations on campus. It is always important to be involved with peers. College is the place where friends-for-life are made. Being part of an organization and/or having an enjoyable on-campus job is very important.
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates were internally motivated, typically, and wanted to be at this school.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
It is a place that will let me accomplish my dreams.
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What's unique about your campus?
Small class sizes and support from professors
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
"Where you're a name not a number". Our school is very small and close-knit.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The smaller class size is definitely unique. I looked at several public state universities and the fact that several of their lecture classes were 100-400 students at a time was not appealing to me whatsoever. OCU has about a 12:1 faculty:student ratio and the largest class I have ever had was 25. The second week of each semester the professors are able to call each student by their first name. They are always willing to respond to any emails or questions about assignments on the weekend or over the break.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about the school is that there is so much being offered through classes and extracurricular activities one could not possibly do them all in the sixteen week semester time period.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
If someone is looking for the "big college experience", with big parties, huge campus, large Greek life, etc. would not like this school. This school is more laid back and not for big party people.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
how to save up money to pay for college!
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The prestige of going to a private university that has so many famous alumni. It is cool to watch tv and see people that you have been going to school with or went to school with being involved in the performance and entertainment industry. I also brag about some of the connections I have gained in the business world, and the highly influential people that I have had the opportunity to work with because of my school!
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What kind of person should attend this school?
OCU is very expensive , and it is difficult to afford. Someone with dependable finacial aid would be good for this school. Open-minded students also would be more comfortable at OCU, as it is very liberal and art-focused. It feels like a bubble sometimes, and it is dificult to connect with the real world for me sometimes, so students need to be prepared for a small school. It reminds me of high school at times, and news travels fast, so it is good for students to be comfortable with small communities.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
I did not think there was much to do there. The weather is cold so if you are from a warm state you may not like it. To me it did not feel lik I was in college, more like a private high school. Their tap program is really good but I think their jazz is really old school. Sometimes I felt like I was doing things I did when I was five.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The Student Goverment Association which includes the Student Activities Committee is very popular and hosts the biggest events on campus. The largest regular organizations are the five Greek organizations: Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta, and Alpha Chi Omega. The fraternities are both very strong, however most guys live on campus. The sororities are even stronger with three organizations, although they do not have residential houses. The Multicultural Student Association, which is made up minorities and foreign students, is popular as well. In addition to this most nationalities have their own smaller organizations, as well as the minorities. Now that Centennial Hall has been added more students live on campus. The SGA puts on numerous events per week. The schools alcohol policy means that most parties take place off campus. Evening events are often going downtown or small dorm parties.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
OCU is a small school; which has its benefits and demerits. There is a feeling of family here; everyone knows everyone. The downside is everyone knows everyone's business. While the school has about 4,000 students, only half of them are undergraduates. This small group is very active in everything but sports. The sports teams here rarely have crowd and the basketball homecoming and graduation are the only times Freede is full. The student are very active in the artistic and political arenas. The dance department puts on three Broadway style shows that rival the city's dance show, all playing multiple days and selling out. Students look forward to the year's musicals, plays, operas, and concerts. Students rallied around gay rights after Westborough Baptist Church came to protest the performance of "The Laramie Project". The students also convinced the Student Government Association to set up a scholarship for students after they felt the funds from a student project went to the wrong project. The campus is close to Downtown Oklahoma City and Western Avenue.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
At more than $33,000 dollars a year, the university is definitely going to attract some rich kids. The truth though, is that like all private schools they give out millions in scholarships; the university gives out numerous "full rides" to Methodist ministers' children, employees children, and students from under-represented schools. That being said luxury cars and sorority girls willing to drop $300+ on whim are not uncommon.
Many students wear more than one hat. The school prides it self on recruiting leaders so over-committed students are a by-product. It is easier to get into leadership roles here because of the small school size.
The school is more than 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} female and has a large performing arts program. Homosexuals are kinda run of the mill but by no means the majority or even close.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Classes are small at OCU and all of your classes are taught by real professors. The requirements are confusing but they do allow for flexibility. Many majors already require so much of students, that they have taken issue with the administrators and pushed for gen. ed. requirements to be reformed and made easier. Many classes require large scale semester long projects. The religion requirements are actually eye-opening and beneficial. The departments are small but this allows students to have more time with professors. Students seem to be studying all the time and intellectual conversations happen all the time in the "caf".
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Many people think it's a school just for rich dancers; or that every guy who goes there must be a theater major and gay
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
i have met that that oklahoma students have same behiviours like my current friends at school.Because at my school student work everytime they have good notes they always organises seminary between us to search how to do for our studies.Finaly we are excellent.
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