Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks know before they start?


I would definately tell myself to pay very close attention to all my classes and work a little harder in the classes that I did not understand and do well in (such as physics and math). I have referred back to some of my high school notes to help me in some of my current classes and they help make some of the curriculum easier to understand. It was also very helpful to take many high school courses that pertained to my current major and I knew would help me in college. I have found that the more previous knowledge you have on topics that you later take in college can really help you keep your grades up and makes understanding what you are learning a lot easier, especially if the topics are very complex and you are not good at the class.


I would tell myself to learn how to deal working well with less sleep and to learn better time management skills.


If I could go back to my highschool senior self there is a lot of advice I would give myself. One thing I would tell myself is not to waist time, because once time has passed there is no way of getting it back. Another advice I would go back and tell myself is to look for what I need in school and not necessarily what I want. When it comes to schooling nobody wants to waist time or money because it cn get pretty pricey. Lastly, I would tell myself to keep hope alive and do what I have to, because have learbed in ife you mut do what you have to early in order to do what you want to later. By this I mean in the beginning you must struggle and strive to get to your destination in order to have all of the fun later in life.


The best advise I could give myself if I went back in time to my high school would be ; not to listen to my father when he said "you have to be smart to go to college." I would tell myself it is not a good idea to work full time in a machine shop with my father while I was a Jr. in high school. I would tell myself that I have the ability to achive greatness. However, greatness will not come if I continue to live in this nonproductive negitive atmosphere. I would tell myself to leave and never return.


Always appreciate the little things in life. Once you transition into college, the people you grew up with and taught you everything you know seem to disappear. Life changes as quick as you can blink. Make sure you show appreciation to the people who have helped you achieve your goals and continue to motivate you. Saying two words can last a lifetime. "THANK YOU"


Hey Miriam! I know that this is a somewhat stressful time because you aren’t a hundred percent sure that college is the right thing to do. While I can’t tell you that the next four years are going to be easy, I can tell you that you will meet some amazing people and have some great times. Freshman year will be rocky but don’t let that get in the way of the next three years. I know you are getting advice from every angle right now but I can tell you what we are about to learn. Don’t be so guarded when meeting new people, a few will become great friends that you still talk to. Also, EXERCISE! I know we aren’t going to play soccer anymore but still move your legs! It’s pretty cheesy, but college will help shape the person you are going to be. Last and most important piece of advice: learn how to manage your time and money in the beginning, not during your senior year.


College can be a difficult transition. Your goals are achievable, but you are going to have to work harder than you have ever worked before. In high school, everything came naturally to you. You think this gives you an advantage, but it actually holds you back. You must improve your work ethic quickly. Also, college doesn't pay for itself. Scholarships can help you. You should be doing them as often as possible. Just one essay could save you thousands of dollars in the future. Don't procrastinate. This may have worked in high school, but in college giving yourself ample amounts of time could be the difference between a good grade and a failure. Soon enough, you will see this. Also, be sure to thank your parents for all of the work that they do. They will be the sole reason you make it through your first year. Above all, know that you can come out of this with good grades. I am proof that you can do it.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself quite a bit of information. First, I would tell myself to calm down and to not get so upset over little things like my grades. When I was in high school I tried so hard to receive great grades and I only received mediocre ones. I would beat myself up over the grades I got, but now I know that it had nothing to do with me. I put 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} effort into my work everyday and now I’m getting straight A's every semester in college. I also would have told myself to try and put myself out there more as soon as college started. I find myself looking for friends now because I was so shy when I transitioned Penn State Berks. I would also tell myself to keep working hard and to not become so stressed out. If I was actually given this opportunity in real life though, I probably wouldn’t go back and tell myself anything because then I wouldn't have learned everything I have learned in the last two year.


I had a very challenging senior year, and I believe it prepared me for college.


I would probably become active with the people around me. Make an effort at both schools instead of just the one. At any point just speak up when ever i felt like it.