Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks know before they start?


For students and parents finding the right college is very important! This is what everybody should look at before confirming your college. Campus apperance, academic reputation, diversity, campus housing, cost, how close it is to home, advising helping, and most importantly if your major is at your campus. Make sure that you/your child will be comfortable on this campus, make sure that you/your child can focus on their work as well as having a social life at that campus. If the student is comfortable on campus than the student will be successful. Making the best of college is enjoying every minute you have on campus. Everybody does not have the chance to live on campus, let alone attend college. Appreciate it socialize,network, join clubs, be as active in school as you can. Do not just sit around just doing work. Have fun make friends,apply for an on campus job. Make the best of it, a chance like this comes once in a life time! Cherish it!!!


Tour as many schools as possible BEFORE you apply...make sure you know what you're getting as far as on campus housing goes. Don't forget to apply for as much financial aid as possible, because college costs really add up after 4 years.


College is the time to find out who YOU are and what YOU want to do with YOUR life. Do not get too stressed out about what career makes the most money or parent's pressure because ultimately at the end of the day, it is your life on the line. Please do not make your decision based on money or the name of the school. This might sound impossible to do but it?s better to make a decision this way and not regret it later in life. Always keep your mind open with a positive attitude. Go visit the campuses to where you applied to and don't be afraid to ask questions! A situation is awkward and uncomfortable if you make it this way; this means you should always involve yourself in every activity that is available to you. College is the one time experience that is given to you and it?s an opportunity that should not be taken for granted. Live on campus your first year b/c you learn a lot about people and yourself and you could make some lifelong friends this way. Always go with what YOU think is right.


Go visit the college. Talk to students already there. Feel comfortable; don't go somewhere totally out of your "zone". You need comfort to get used to being on your own. Don't worry about fitting in, everyone is doing the same thing and college students are open to alot.


There aren"t many words needed to say follow your heart. Don't let others influence your decision and of course, take advantage of everything that college has to offer.


Choose a school that fits right for you and work as hard as you can without completely stressing yourself out.


I would say to a new student, apply early. What ever you do, do not procrastinate. I do not want to see you in the same boat I was in trying to get housing because i feel that to embrase the entire college experence, one needs to interact with other students going through the same sort of things they are experiencing. For leafring a good work ethic, to learning to wash one's laundry correctly. There is nothing I can stress more than to fight for on campus housing if it is offered. This is because the people you meet and the things you do; well, its worth the thousands apon thousands of dollars your paying out of your pocket. Take my word for it and apply early.


I would recommend visting the campus and the extra curricular activities that the campus has to offer before enrolling. I was also consider the type of area around the school. I can play major role on your child education.


Go to the school that YOU want to go to. The first year is the hardest year so don't give up if it gets stressful then. Stay focused and don't worry about parties. There is a difference between having a social life while still focusing on school and partying. Put your mind to it. It may seem hard then, but if it's what you really want to do, then do it. It will pay off in the end. Living away from home may be hard, but you will over come it, and with a few close friends, it won't be that bad. Don't stress over roommates, you can change them if you need to. Overall, don't fall into peer pressure, study and focus on school, don't be afraid of your campus, there is always someone to help, and being away from home isn't as bad as it seems.


When choosing a college the best advice I can offer is to visit the campus, talk to student there. and visit when its not a scheduled tour. with out a doubt you have to get involved in the different campus activities to become more involved with the school. Parents must understand that once the decision is made to attend the student pretty much has full control over his/her academic future while on campus. there are a ton of privacy rules.