The most important thing is to be patient and search different colleges before you chose just one. Also, if you are going into college undecided, I would pick a major that you might possibly be interested rather than waiting two years to figure it out and then realize you are too far behind. Also, decide before whether or not you would rather go to a small or large school because the atmospheres are extremely different. Work very hard because it will pay off someday and don't party too too much!
The best advice I could give anyone about finding the right college and making the most of it, is to find somewhere that you feel you could see yourself being happy a year or two down the road. Its easy to get excited about going to a college, but when the new wears off and the old shines through, thats when you know if you truely picked the right school. Another thing that someone should do when picking a college, is to stay open-minded. College is a dramatic difference compared to high school, and getting the best out of the college experience is key to the enjoyment that you may or may not face. Regardless, college is something that is designed to mature, stengthen, and develope ones mind. As long as thats something someone is willing to take on, picking a college is the easiest part.
Just make sure that you take your time in finding the right college, don't just go for the first one that you see make the right decision for you.
Some advice that I would give to future students and parents about finding the right college and making the most out of their college experience, is to live on campus. Although commuting to school saves money, you dont get the full affect of the college life unless your live on campus. While on campus, you can make close friends and learn how to live on your own. It will teach you resposibility because you are in charge of getting up and going to class, as well as finishing you assignments and studying often.
First of all I would say have patience when searching for your college. Visit numerous campuses and see which one makes you feel comfortable. Do not just go where your friends or boyfriend will be going, and do not let your parents pressure you into going somewhere you do not want to! Also, think about a major that you might possibly be interested in before you visit different universities because some different schools excel in different majors, even if you might be an undeclared major. To make the most of your college experience, you should go into your first year with an open mind, get ready to learn, and maybe get involved in an extra cirricular activity that could interest you. You should also be kind to everyone and do your best to make friends because many college relationships could last a lifetime, but remember school work should always come first!