I have gained so much confidence in myself from attending Penn State Berks. At first, I absolutely loathed the mandatory group activities the first week of Fall classes; but looking back now I realized that I made so many new friends and learned the campus layout during that week. If the college had not planned all of those activites, tours, and concerts, I do not believe I would be the confident, friendly, knowledgable student I am today. This school has made me a better person inside and outside of the classroom, and the professors are here to help us...what more could a college student ask for?
There are many skills and experiences that I have gotten out of college but the one that stands above the rest is critical thinking skills. College is a wonderful place to learn and train your brain to think like a more intelligent person. I feel that many people can memorize and redistribute information that they acuire, but the ability to get information, process that information and then apply it is exactly what college has done for me. Attending college is very expensive but the value of a higher education is priceless when it gives you more knowledge. This knowledge will help me to obtain a fullfilling job, higher wages, better living situations and ultimatley allow me to be a more informed educated citizen, allowing me to pass my knowledge to my children perpetuating the growth in which is the American dream.
At LCCC I am a part of the Honors program. It is a tight-knit group of talented and excited people who wish to further their academic knowledge in many different fields. As a requirement, our group of 20 students took a total of 6 classes together. In these classes I was pushed incredibly hard to do a plethora of things. I was required to read many books and to contemplate on the deeper meaning of them. It was necessary to participate in group discussions with my classmates and to, as a result, initiate long-lasting friendships that would provide useful in my following years in school. I have written a massive amount of papers and have become quite talented at it. I have learned the true meaning of discipline, dedication, and hard work. I have experienced many sleepless nights and a newly found addiction to coffee and energy drinks. However, all of the things that I have endured over the last year and a half have made me a better student and person. I will carry all of the lessons I have learned so far with me throughout my school career as well as my hopefully successful business career.
I have greatly valued the time I have spent taking classes at my current community college. The environment is open and available to all, the students as well as staff/faculty are helpful and friendly, and the classes are informative and focused on small group learning. I have realized the value and importance of getting a quality education by attending college and I am excited to continue on and accomplish the career goals I have set for myself. By attending college and participating in class and other activities, I am being exposed to other cultures, opinions, beliefs/values, and methods of teaching. This has really broadened my horizons to experience other things beyond my comfort zone. College has greatly benefitted me in my educational journey and I look forward to the years ahead.
I honestly have not gotten too much out of my college experience except for of course the learning part. Penn State Berks is a very small campus with no frats or sororeties. There is some on house campus but not that much. There is not much of a "party life" at Penn State Berks. I have met a group of close friends that I will probably be friends with for life but not nearly as many friends or fun as someone who would go to a larger state school. I talk to my friends that attend other universities and our college experiences differ drastically. I like that Penn State Berks is close to home and not as expensive as another state school plus the costs of living away from home but I do wish that there was more of a social life at berks and not just participating in the drama club or soccer.
Ive gotten the college way of doing things, and i honestly love college as in im working for my future, and all is great
I have gotten so many things out my college experience so far. Ive learend how hard it is to live with someone completly different from you. My first year here I lived with a student who did not like me because of where I came from. I decided to stick with her as my roommate and although we never grew as friends that experience taught me how to deal with situations like that one. This school has been valuble to attend becuase the teachers here really do care about you. It was really hard for me to find my place here and fit in but Ive met some amazing teachers who have helped me meet the friends I have now. I just love the environment and how school spirited Penn State is. Theres always something to do on or off campus so you never feel like your bored out of your mind. Overall I just feel like this is a great campus and I would not want to go anywhere else. I love it here at Penn State Berks.
College has taught me so much about what I am capable of and has shown me the oppurtunites that lie ahead of me. While I do not know what the future holds for me, I know that I will be prepared for anything, if I have the knowledge and skills that are required for this life. College helps build and expand that knowledge while enabling the skills to succeed in life; such success equates to personal achievement and self-fulfillment, as well as positive contributions to the society we live in.
I learned a few things in college that I wish someone would have told me about from the start. It?s really easy to fall in too deep in college. This isn?t high school anymore. Most teachers won?t accept late work and if they do, they dock a good portion of your grade from it. Get a day planner and stick with it. Get organized fast! I also learned that getting involved and making friends is a must. The campus isn?t going to stop for your grief. If you want to meet people, you have to be the one who steps outside of your comfort zone. Most schools offer a variety of clubs and going Greek is something I highly recommend to everyone. Above everything, just remember you are paying to go here. Go to class, but have fun too. Meet as many people as possible, you never know what doors they will open for you in the future.
Generally college life is really easyit just takes getting use to it. Just make sure you don't slack off or you could miss something very important. Make sure you talk to your adviser; don't worry they aren't scary. Pay attention more to details or you'll surely you'll miss something. Like not having enough money for school or filling out important forms. Also if you ever get a dorm remember not all shower labels are correct. Your a smart one you'll figure it out.