If I could go back in time and talk to myself about college I would tell myself to relax. In high school I was so worried about the college work load, having hard classes, and not getting good grades. I have come to find that the classes and work load are not as impossible as I thought, and I have no problems keeping my grades up. Therefore, I would tell myself to just relax and as long as you go to class and get your work done you will be better than o.k. You will even have time to spend with your friends.
In the words of Douglas Adams in reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't Panic". Penn State loves students like you, you're concientious, you do your work, you participate, you're the type of student that teachers dream of. Just keep your habits from high school. You do your homework and hand it in on time, you complete other assignments without procrastinating, no worries. And the staff are so helpful there, just ask and you'll get an answer or pointed in the right direction. And the teachers are fun too, prepare your chemistry jokes because the teachers in the Chem department are a fun bunch.
i would let my self know that college is another big step in life. Its about working hard, making life long friends, and haveing the education that my parents never had.
I have paid more attention in my Pre-Calc and Chemistry classes. These courses have been difficult for me in college. I also would tell myself not to set such high standards coming into college. I always received phenomenal grades, until I started at Berks. A C was always unheard of to me but in college I receive them regularly. My GPA is somewhat average at 3.00, but I find it hard to be satisfied with anything less than As or Bs. I wish I would have came to realization that college is tough and that I need to be content with doing my best. I have still not come to that satisfaction level, but I think I need to in order for me to appreciate my accomplishments.
If i could go back in time to my senior year in high school their would be so many things i would want to say i would not even know where to start. That being said i would start by giving a warning about bad habits. The fact of the matter is if you have bad habits in high school you will have bad habits in college, things dont change over nigth just because you graduated high school. This advise would have been very important to me because it would have been easier to get rid off some of the bad habits i have, if i had started in high school. Seconldy, i would have given a warning about slacking off senior year. Like alot students in their senior year of high school i had one foot inside the door and the other outside. I would have told my self to work harder in the present in order to make an easier transition to more difficult education. Finally, the last advice i would have given myself is just to take things as they come and enjoy every moment of the prensent, instead of fantasizing of an unatanable fantasy.
Defiently work harder, study more, be involved.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to study more.
Stay focused and dont get too worried. College is a lot of fun and just go with the flow, its not as hard as you think.
i would say to look into the college that your most intrested about and see if you would like to live in that kind of environment. Then the 2nd most important thing is FINANCIAL AID!!!, this is very important. Having financial issues while your in school is not pretty believe me i've been there. When you get to college just be yourself, get involved with student activities especially if your campus is small that'll give you things to do and let you meet new people and be open to different things. The last advice is just have fun, don't make dumb decision though in the midst of having fun. Believe me college is what you make out of it.
Do lots of research and visit as many as possible.