No one college or univeristy is best for everyone. Look for the best fit for YOU and decide what qualities matter most, whether they be class size, location, programs, qualifications of professors, residence options etc. Your college experience is as good as you make it.
make sure that you visit the schools, because you will know how you will feel there when you visit and get a sense of what kind of environment you are looking for. When I was visiting universities I discovered that some of the schools I thought I wanted to go to I did not feel comfortable at, so I didn't waste time applying to them when the time came.
I would first tell parents/students to figure out the type of atmosphere they expect and are searching for when it comes to the campus as well as the surrounding city of the college. For example, in Austin there is both a small and large college that is close in distance but completely different in terms of their location and operation which can be a distraction and flaw to some. They should also be sure that the size of the college is suitable for their own comfort and desire. This can make a big difference in terms of one's conditions pertaining to their learning abilities. The experience that one is liable to gain from college is one that everyone should have the chance to act upon. The quantity of organizations, courses, and people are so diverse that one, as an individual, can explore those of their interest and learn more through the variety of opportunities. Every experience is a learning one so don't pass this one up! There is so much in our lifetime to be seen and learned, don't miss your opportunity!
I cannot stress how important it is to see what the people who already attend the school are really like. We go to school to get an education, but it is extremely hard to be there solely for the education and not to also socialize and have some fun to balance out the work load. If you do not like the people, you will not like the school. Also, think practically about the location. While living in the mountains might seem like a nice change during the application process, it isn't logical if you are a surfer and will have to give up your main source of exercise or favorite hobby. This can also apply to running. While it is possible to run anywhere, it would probably not be very enjoyable to run in a freezing cold environment, such as in Boston, Canada, or Chicago. Make sure you can keep some of your favorite hobbies because the familiarity will help you adjust to the new environment and because it is really hard to give up something you love. Pick a school where you can continue to do at least your favorite hobby, if not your top three.
Start early, get organized, be realistic academically and financially and have fun with this time in your life!
Find a college that suits your needs. Find a college that offers an education that interests and intrigues you, and once you make your decision, put yourself out there. Get involved. Join extracurriculars. The biggest mistake I made my freshman year was not allowing myself to meet new people and not giving myself the opportunity to learn more about me. The best way to learn more about who you are as a person is to interact with other people of all different sorts. You will be surprised to learn how many people they're are that are just like you, that enjoy the same passions that you have always been passionate about. So, join clubs and go to social events. I can promise that learning more about yourself is the key to enjoying college life and life in general to the fullest. So, when you do decide on a college that is attractive to you, be sure to experience all that you can.
I would suggest to both parents and students to choose a university that compliments who you are as a person. You want to feel comfortable in the university that you are going to attend in order to make the most of your experience. Do your research and see what types of sports, extra curricular activities, and organizations are offered - especially scholarships!
make sure that you dont pressure your kinds to staying close to home, because that is what my parents tried to do with me and i ended up attending a college really far away from home. For students, dont let the image the school portraits fool you. Go online and make friends with students who are currently attending that school, they will let most likely be the best point of view you could find.
Visit campuses of all sizes and diversities. Spend time on the campuses when exciting events are taking place, as well as, when the campus is quiet and slow. Take time to talk with students from all class levels. Pay attention to the distance from is great for many to be able to come home for a visit and not have the trip cost an arm and a leg. Look for an open door policy with the financial aid department. Check out the school's foreign exchange programs...our world is getting smaller by the day. Look into the faculty to student ratios...many students thrive in smaller classrooms. while others get more from a large classroom setting. Know your student!!!!
Find a college were you think that is best for you to grow and able to have a wonderful college experience.