When looking for the right college, dont go just because its near from home, far from home, or because you have connection in that school. Find a school where you know you'll enjoy yourself, a school where you can do the things you want to do, and enjoy yourself. Make sure you delve deep into the workings and offerings of the school, and that in your gut, you know its the right school, not just a school.
When looking at colleges, really look at what others have to say about the campus and its surroundings. If possible, take a tour of the campus and then drive around during the weekday and a weekend. You don't want to be stuck in a city where the weekends are dead because no one sticks around or stores are closed. Don't be afraid to ask students and faculty what they think,; that includes asking about the good and the bad.
Make sure you find a school that wants YOU to be there. That values you learning there, and pays attention to your progress and sucess. Don't get caught up in rankings or meaningless facts, find the place that makes you feel comfortable and happy.
Do your research, and talk to the students that are attending the school of interest. Apply on time and make sure you have more than one school to chose from, and make a preferenced order before you are accepted and after you are accepted.
I thought that I wanted a small school, and I would have defended that the whole time I was there. However, I now realize that a larger school would have suited me better socially. It's kind of like a city, so think of it as such. Instead of asking what type of school you want to go to, ask yourself "what type of city would I want to live in?" Large, small, etc.
St. Edward's University is a college that prizes independent thought, humanitarianism and creativity. It is important to look at the characteristics and values that your school in question prizes before enrolling. Once you have found a school that upholds personal values of the student and family, you can begin to enjoy that university to it's capacity. Take advantage of the learning experiences available outside of the classroom. On the shallow end, school clubs and sponsored events are a great way to make new people and become a familiar face around campus. To ensure that your resume will be impressive after graduation, consider visiting the university's career planning office (if they have one available). Volunteering for or shadowing a career similiar to the one you want will let employers know that you are interested and serious. Finally, don't be afraid to take advantage of study-abroad programs or school-sponsored road trips. Universities know great ways to create once-in-a-lifetime experiences that you will be able to get no place else.
I once thought that the college experience was all about how you will change, mature, and pursue a career in an exciting new environment. However, college is not meant to be a selfish experience. I have learned that a person changes and matures through their circumstance by being invovled in the lives of others. A college experience is not only the dorm life, the party life, the independent life, or the career-driven life, but a life of transformation and progress. The funny thing is that I have learned all of these things while going to school in my hometown. I have lived another world despite the fact that I stayed in my hometown.
To find the right college for you it is important to keep in mind your long-term goals as well as what will make you feel happy and at home. I advise you not to settle for just any school, rather to do some research, visit lots of campuses and get a feel for what's out there and what is best for you. Try to find a school like St. Edwards that will help you through your education, as well as in finding a job after graduation.
To the student: Finding the right college is about finding what feels "right." Even the longest pro/con list in the world can't tell you how you will fell when you step on campus. The campus visit is esential to find what feels right.
To the parent: You may not like the school that your son or daughter does, but you won't be the one going there, living there, and then graduating form there. While you may want to pressure or otherwise coax your offspring to attend one university or another, it is imperative that the final choice be his or hers.
And finally, to both students and parents: Making the most of the college experince means knowing that you get back what you put in. Even the most bright and engaging student can attend the most engaging university, and if that person sits in their room, they will not have an engaging college experience. The "college eperience" doesn't just happen to you, you have to be ready and willing to make your own college experience.
College is suppose to be different and an uncomfortable experience at first. So let it sit with you before you decide if you like it or not. But no matter what, make sure you're creating an experience and not just going through the motions to get a degree.