Saint Edward’s University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Edward’s University know before they start?


I would tell parents and/or students to make sure that they visit the campus before making a final decision. It is important that you feel comfortable with the school you're choosing and to consider things like the availability of financial help, the size of the school (student to teacher ratios), what majors are provided, and how well respected the college is in the academic world. If you're going to be spending the time and money on a school, you need to make sure it's going to be a place you're proud of and that it will give you the best education for your money. Most importantly, just choose a place where you'll be happy because if you're happy, you'll be successful.


Make a choice that is a good fit for you.


Follow your gut. If you take a step onto the right campus and just KNOW that it is the right place for you; then go there. Don't let money (or lack thereof) prevent you from going where you feel the best. An education is worth more than a pot of gold; and besides with a degree, you can pay it back!!


Apply to as many colleges as you want. Look with your parents, and take their advice. Pick a school with a variety of majors because you probably will change your mind at some point. Visit the campus and talk with students as well as faculty and staff. Choose a school with a variety of extra-currcicular activities so that you can get involved with your peers. Check every aspect of the school before you make any final decisions.


Don't let cost get in the way of where you apply


Make sure the interest of the student is at heart no matter what. The student is the one who will ultimately end up at the school and picking a place that is not right for them might simply lead to failure. Always consider size , majors that are available, and the area in which the school lies. The last thing you should think about is the money. If you need the money, financial adviors are ALWAYS there to help.


Looking for a college is like shopping for a car or shoes. You have to find a place that is a good fit for you. If you don't feel that it is right - then you are going to outgrow the shoes or get tired of driving the car. Not everyone wears the sames shoes or drives the same type of car. Even if you find a group of friends you enjoy being around who all drive the same car or wear the same shoe, your happiness will not last as long, as it will if you find a place that fits you best. College is all about learning and growing. Parents need to realize that the best students are the ones who learn from their mistakes, not those who make no mistakes at all. A student willing to put themselves out there with the knowledge they may or may not mess up is much better off than a student willing to play it safe. Through the adventures a student embarks on during their short time in college helps guide a them into discovering who they were meant to be and what they want to do with their lives.


Don't be lazy.


When searching for a college it is always important to consider the student body. A college can be the most beautiful flower in the garden, and yet attract all the bees. One should consult reviews by alumni of the university, and gauge if the social life of a university is to the student's liking. After getting in and joining the campus, if you want to get in touch with the student body, it is important to join clubs. This will get you in a group and you'll be welcomed (hopefully).