I would advise students and parents to take a tour of the city and of the campus before deciding to attend a particular university or college. Also, I recommend that students and parents think of the factors that are more important to them. For example, does distance from home to the university play a big role in the decision-making? Does the repetition of the university play a more important one? I would also ask around to see what other people think of your dream university.
Parents: make the kids do the research and allow them to take their time to find a college; start them early because the process is a long and frustrating one. If they do not make the decision themselves, they will likely end up in the wrong place.
My advice is simple: go somewhere that you think will be beautiful and major in something that interests you. college is great and St. Edwards is a great place to be.
Be sure to know about your campus and school goals and that its a school you are willing to stick with till you graduate. Make sure you are happy with your choices. Never settle for less because education is everything.
I think that the decision to go to school should be the student's. I also think that parents should help with guidance and letting their child know his/her options. Things to take in to consideration are where the college is located, what fields are the strongest, activities, as well as the community on campus. I think that future students should go visit the college they're thinking of attending and get a sense of where they might be for the next four years. I think that students should also try hard in the beginning to get scholarships and form relationships with their financial advisors. College is a life transition and guidance from others beside the student or parent is definitely in need. Anyone on campus would probably be happy to give you a brief explanation of their experience. I think I have made the most of my college experience by playing sports, making friends, being involved on campus, and taking advantage of opportunities.
Reseach. I cannot stress that enough. Look into your collleges of interests and narrow the choice down to three at the most. To help you do that, check to see if the colleges you like offer any field of study that you wish to pursue. After you have selected your top colleges, visit them if possible. It is not only important to feel comfortable in the university's atmosphere, but also in the city where the school is located. Once you have settled, engage yourself in on-campus activities/organizations . Don't be afraid to approach your professor or other faculty members, they are there to help you adjust to your new setting. Lastly, make new friends and don't be afraid to have a little fun... responsibly.
You have to realize that this is not going to be the biggest, most life changing decision you will ever make. Choosing a university is just another step in the right direction. Find a surrounding where you feel comfortable - where you can be you! Parents should be involved in the college finding process, but I don't think that they should have all the say, I mean, they aren't going to be the ones eating the cafeteria food, or taking the tests. College is about finding yourself and pushing the limits. Take risks! Go big! After all, these four years open the door to the rest of your life - you just have to decide how wide, and of course, which door to choose.
Go to all the campuses you are thinking about applying to and take a tour of the school. Once you find the right school for you, get involved in a club or sport at your school. This will be the best way to make friends and find your group in college. Also, I would recommend living on campus for at least a year, maybe two. You will become friends with your roommates and/or the people who live near you.
The adivce I would give parents and students about finding a college is that you should find a place where you are comfortable but know you will be challenged. College is all about trying new things to find out what you like and don't like. In order to make the most of your college experience, I would definitely recommend that you get involved in organizations. Organizations are the best way to meet people and experience new things. I also recommend you take advantage of the resources that your school can offer you, because there are many that you can find if you just ask. I have been to two conferences and just got funding for a third, have an on-campus job, and an awesome internship lined up for this summer and I am only in my third semester of school. I strongly encourage students to really get to know the faculty and staff at your school because they can help open so many doors for you and your future.
When it comes down to it, the most important thing to remember is that it's your choice. Don't attend a school for your parents, for a boyfriend/girlfriend, for friends, attend a school that fits your personality, religious beliefs, major, and extra-curricular activities. Because ultimately, you choose the college experience you receive.