Whatever you do, do not let the decision of where you will be attending college be made by anyone but you. This could potentially be one of greatest decisions you ever make, so follow your heart. You best friend will still be your best friend even if you do not attend the same school and there are always more people out there waiting to be your friend. Resist the urge to go home every weekend because you will be missing out on what college is all about. Embrace the freedom you have been given but do not let that freedom allow you to loose track of who you are. Know and understand that you are on your own so the decisons that you make, good or bad, are a reflection of the person you are and the person you strive to become. Have a good time, just don't go crazy. College is after all about getting an education!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as sa high school senior. I would tell my self to do many things. I would tell my self to prepare early. Look for potential colleges your junior or senior year. I would also tell myself that it is very important to do well in high school because this opens the door to getting into the school that you want and getting help paying the expensive costs along the way. I would tell my self to research particular programs that are in my field of interest and to compare the possible career paths theses programs could take me after I received my degree. I would tell myself to be prepared to study hard and work towards doing the best that I could in my scholastics, because other oppertunities wouuld arise from scholarships to internships that help promote the growth of a student throughtout the college experince. Lastly, I would tell myself to net work. Meet and stay in constant contact with professors because it will make you stand out and get where you eventually want to be.
I would tell myself to apply to college the summer before my senior year. I would tell myself to do a little more community service inorder to put that in my resume. I would also tell myself not to worry too much.
If I were given the chance to go back to my senior year and talk to myself I would tell myself to be better prepared. By saying better prepared I mean that to save more money because college life is not cheap. I would also tell myself to pay a lot more attention in class because although I might have taken four years of writing in college it is not the same things. A lot more is expected when writing papers and when taking tests. College professors also do not care if you attend their class but if you want to pass your tests it is best you attend all your classes even if you have a headache. Another very important advice I would say to myself would be to enjoy the time you have with your family because when starting college you will not have that much time to talk to them much less seee them because you are five hours away. So it would be best to be prepared mentally about being far away from home for a year.
If given the opportunity to talk to myself when I was back in high school, I would advice myself to focus more on school and my education. When I was in high school I was more focus on enjoy my time with my friend. As I look back now I wish that I could encourage myself to adapt better study habits and to show more of an interest in school because I see now that I had the potential to do so much better. Now that I talk to some of my friend from my school who where top in my graduating class and they ask me for help revising their essay and attempt comprehend material. I just cant help but think to myself that back in high school I had the potential to do great but I had no motivation. I guess I would tell my self to focus more on what truly important my education, to study more, not let myself anyone else tell me what my potential is and to not give up back, when people told me I was going to fail, but instead actual try hard do more than just the bare minimum
The habits that you form in high school will for the most part determine the habits you will have in college. Develop and form these study habits, time management skills, etc. early on. By the time you get to college you will have something that works just for you. You only get one shot. The responsibility you will have in college is taken to a much greater level than in high school. Start preparing yourself now by making mature decisions. You will have to balance your social life with school. It will be hard to turn down a night with friends in exchange for burying your nose in books. Always remember that it will be worth it in the end. If you spend the crucial time you have in college prioritizing your life and what is important, you lose time and money that you will never get back. An education is one of the greatest investments that you will ever make in life. When opportunity arises take it! Join clubs and meet new people-especially your first year. Remember that college is a commitment. It opens a new world of expectations, possibilities, and takes you even closer to your dreams!
If I could back to my senior year in high school I would talk to myself knowing that writting is what I need work on and listen to all the teacher. I would say that the transition of high school to college is very hard if you have not taken any college classes in high school. The one big advice I have for myself is that studying is the best thing you can do to help your tansition and it is your best friend.
I know this may sound redundant, but don't procrastinate on anything! Apply for colleges as early as possible, be thinking about what you enjoy so that you may choose a major, and study as much as you can to prevent a high GPA from slipping. I know from experiance that just one D, amongst all my other A's and B's, brought my GPA down to a 3.2. I've been struggling to bring it up ever since. Also since I decided to change my major late into the semester, it became harder to change it and I ended up stuck with my old major. So my main advice is don't procratinate and study hard because you want college to be as fun and easy as possible without all these other roadblocks.
Study a bit harder but enjoy every part of it.
Start working on your procrasintation now!