Dear High School Hannah,
As you approach this new and exciting time in your life, it is easy to get wrapped up in things like SAT scores, GPA's, class ranks, tests, and college applications. You have a hectic and stressful time ahead. However, this is the las year that you will be spending at home with your friends and family. When you are away and don't get to see them everyday, you will miss the little things like making apple cider and decorating the Christmas Tree, or laughing with the friends that you have had for years. Now I'm not saying you are never going to see them again, but you should appreciate them whil you are there and have them close. All of the things leading up to college are important, but the people that you love are even more important. They will be your support system for the rest of your life. When you feel down and just need someone to talk with, they will be there. Cherish this support and love, because it is special. So as you sit down to study for that SAT, make sure you save time for everyone around you.
Kathy, colloege is not a joyride you must prepare yourself for the ultimate test in life "success" success only comes after hard work and determination. Everyone is going to tell you that it's ok to slack off your first year, guess what that's not true you must work hard to complete your goals nothing is handed to you. You must grasp life and never let it go your going to need to be organized, determined and open minded remember the key to do things right is to seek help when you need it. Life will always have obsticles; the thing to remember is not to give up once you have given up it's hard to get back up and do things right. when you rush you tend to mess up take one day at a time and sooner a later you goals will be completed and sucess happen.
If I could go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself not to worry so much about financial issues. The only way I could attend college was with the aid of scholarships, loans and grants. I do not receive aid from my family. I started at community college, but I wish I had known the financial aid opportunities at universities. I definately think that attending the community college was the best decision financially, but I do feel as though I may have missed out on some of the important experiences that I now get at Saint Edward's--such as the student organizations and honor societies.
do everything the same, but join more clubs
Id do like Brad Paisley, 'and if i could write a letter id send it to myself at 18, I'd prove it's me by saying look in your closet There's scholarship letters no one would know about. Then I'd say I know it's tough When you study for months, I know you wanted an "A" and it is't fair But its a dare. You got so much going for you, going right But I know at, 18, it's hard to see next week. You'll make it through and you'll see You'll write this letter to me. You should thank everyone who spent so much time. they see diamond underneath and polishing you 'till you shine.Tonight's the bonfire rally and you're invited but you're staying home Because if you fail thats bad. But you'll get an "A" And you'll write this letter to me. You got so much ahead, you'll make new friends. I'll see you when you graduate. Study more, Take a breath so you won't worry. I'd say have a faith and you'll write a letter to me.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, now that I have some experience of college life, I would give myself five pieces of advice. First, those dreams of a bigger and better life… well after high school you will definitely be on the track. There is way more beyond our tiny hometown! Secondly, the relationship between our mom and us will get better. Mom means well and has a good heart. I know her over protectiveness is a bit much, but she is really afraid of seeing us go off away from home. Third, roommates are temporary, do not heavily read into her different habits (like not cleaning her side of the room or how she loves to keep the room at 68 degrees). Fourth, be sure to be assertive and state your ground! You are woman! Let them hear your roar! Five, leaving high school friends to a new chapter is not that bad. After you start college, you will see who your real friends are. The ones that keep in touch and go out their way to hang out without you, those are true friends.
If I could go back in time, sit myself down and proceed to have a heart to heart with my former self my message would be simple. I would tell the former me, that within the next year I will grow enormously as a person. So many changes will happen but as I stay grounded and keep an open mind, I will not fail. Stay true to yourself, stay grounded, stay open, stay possitive. With that I can never go wrong.
The best advice I could give my highschool self would be to be more confident in the area of study I wished to persue. While that uncertainty led me to persue more challenging and exciting goals in the long run, I have seen too many peers who started their college life with no direction and ended up either transfering or quiting. In the end they built up a few credits but wasted a lot of time and money. No one has enough of either of those things to waste on uncertainties.
In high school, I was surrounded by other students who seemed much more wealthy than my family. Not to say that my mother and I are poor but we definitely did not have as much financial leeway as the other families in my high school. I let this get to me and woud often ask my mom for money so I could buy the latests clothes, shoes, purses, etc. In high school, I thought this kind of stuff was important. Coming to college and being exposed to other types of people has showed me that money should not have a say in what kind of person you are. I have become much more appreciative of the value of a dollar. I would tell myself, as a high school senior, that there are other things in life that are much more important than fitting in. It is much more important and satisfying to surround yourself with people who like you for who you really are, your personality. I'm a much happier person now than I was in high school because I chose to focus on other things besides material goods.
Dear past self,
I am writing to you today to give you some sound advice about the upcoming choices you are about to make. I made some poor choices during this time and it led me down a path that I wish I could reverse. First off, I know you think that music is all there is in the world but you would do well to look into your other passions, computers perhaps. I also know that the idea of going back to school right now seems hard but trust me, it’s for the best. In my relative past, I was given some advice that gave me the strength to do what I am now doing and would like to share it with you now. Sometimes in life you just have to do what needs doing whether you want to or not. Once you accept this fact your road will become clear. Again I know that it may be hard to accept this at 18 years old but I got myself into this mess by not looking far enough ahead and I would rather you not do that too.
Your future self