Look into more than the few colleges you did. Saint Francis is a great school and I am grateful to have the opportunity to attend here, but you will always have that nagging feeling that you didn't look hard enough nd apply more places. You will succeed anywhere you go, but please broaden your horizons and look into more places. You never know where you might find the best education you can get.
Don't worry about moving in and living with a roommate. It's like having a new sister and you'll love the time to yourself. Your roommates will be a little crazy like you so you'll have plenty of things to talk about. Don't worry about the food, it gets better and you can always make things yourself. As for clothes...don't take so many. You'll end up regretting it later, trust me! As for the boyfriends, you'll get him soon. You just have to be patient and take your time. The first two may break your heart...but third time truly is the charm. No worries and keep your chin up. You'll have some hard times and want to quit. Just remember, it's okay to take a break and the professors understand. If things get too bad, they will work with you and you'll be fine.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell her to take chances. Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition if I could have been a more outgoing person I wouldn’t be struggling as much as I’m now. I would tell myself that focusing on my homework and class work is a good thing, but that having fun, meeting new people, and experiencing new things is also part of succeeding. Also to not close herself from new things because in college you’ll need to be social and independent. I would tell her how important it is that she applied to more colleges and to not give up because hard work always pays off.
You do not need to make your life look so well put together all the time. I think when we're high school seniors and dealing with the pressure of picking a college, a major, and move on with life we loose track of ourselves because we are too busy trying to keep up with one another. It is important to remember that we're 18, we should not have it all figured out and that it is perfectly okay to be scared of all the changes. I would tell myself taht college is what you make it and your attitude is everything, so go out of your comfort zone and push your limits because you'll most likely be doing yourself a favor.
If i could go back in time and talk to my self as a senior in high school I would tell my self two things. 1. Get off your ass and stop being so lazy! 2. You are siking your self out. Looking at my life almost 10 years after high school graduation it would have been a millions times easier to attend college full time, than doing so at the age of 27 as a single mother of two young children and working full time. They say that hind site is 20/20. Well however said that is completely right. Getting awarded this scholarship would greatly assistance in my financial difficulties in paying to the schooling and rasing a family on my own. All I can say is that I only hope my experience that i share with my children will drive them to do better than I am right now.
If I could go back in time and talk to my senior year-self, I would yell for hours! I made so many mistakes in high school that I regret so much and have to deal with now. I would tell myself to take as many AP courses as possible because they definitely mean something. Nobody ever told me that AP courses means you can skip those classes in college! That's the number one thing I wish I knew in high school because I absolutely would have taken advantage of the opportunity. I would also tell myself to apply for many more scholarships. Even though I applied for a few "easy" ones, I wish I applied to ten times more than what I did. And if I had and been awarded a few, I could have gone to the expensive schools that I've always wanted to. But instead, I had to work and pay for my own tuition ever since the beginning. Not applying for many scholarships and not taking any AP courses are my biggest mistakes. I wish I could go back to the beginning of high school and start again. It would help so much.
Don't rush into college just to try to please others or because you think it's what you're "supposed to do." From here on out, all decisions are yours, not your parents' or friends' or parent's friends'. Make these very important decisions based on what you're passionate about and what you enjoy. Now there are wise decisions and not-so-wise, so definitely don't drop out of school forever thinking you're going to become an instant millionaire. There's a nice in-between for everyone -- find yours. Be yourself and stop trying to "fit in" or be someone else, you'll be a TRILLION times happier!! You're strong and smart and different and you're going to be just fine, just have patience and work hard.
If I could go back in time, I would only tell myself a few things. First, there will be many people that come and go in life, but what you learn will always be with you. Second, take life slow, and enjoy it, because before you know it, it will be in the past. Finally, don't sweat the little things, because chances are they on't matter in a few weeks.
If I could talk to myself four years ago when I was in a high school senior, I would give myself three tips for being a college student. First, be open to new places, people, and ideas. College is a place with great diversity, and there is a lot you can learn from new people and new experiences. Second, you must utilize your support system. Several academic resources are available on college campuses, and you also have friends and family who are behind you every step of the way. Finally, believe in yourself. Do not let any situations or words from others bring you down. Be proud of who you are and how far you have come.
I would tell myself to learn to study better. Learn to write without having run on sentences. Get involved with more community activities and enjoy life.