Saint Francis University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Francis University know before they start?


I would tell them to very carefully consider what college they are going to. There's more to a college than just academics, just like there is more to a college than socialization. I would tell them to go to the college that jumps out the most to them, and if it doesn't turn out perfectly, don't worry about it. Just because a college is smaller, larger, more rural or more urban than another college doesn't mean yours isn't the right one for you. College is as much about the experience and the independence of being away from home as it is the knowledge you gain. It is about how you develop as a person. Someone once told me, "Learning HOW TO learn in college is more important than what you learn." I agree; college is a four year period where you learn how to grow up, become independent, and become the best YOU that you can be! My best advice is to enjoy college to its fullest, and take absolutely everything you can away from it; never again will you have so much time to learn.


before you give advice on colledge make sure you have attended first and are not guessing what it is like also if you are an athlete, look in to the program and ask questions and look at the schools academic reputation as well as do they offer studdy abroad and good financial aid


I say Just make sure it;s everything you want and there's little to nothing that you dislike like. That's what made choosing St. Francis easy for me, it was everything I wanted and needed


My suggestion would be to visit the schools that you are interested in and to explore what major you want to study. Picking the right school will be one of the biggest decisions you will have to make. Making the wrong choice in schools could decide whether you succeed or fail. You also do not want to jump into a major that you are not sure about. If you are unsure what you want to do you can always enter college as undecided and get your undergraduate classes out of the way and decide what you want to do as you go.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard "college will be the best years of your life," I would have enough money to pay for books this semster--and that's no small fee. While this idea certainly proves to be true for many, I also know that it pressured me to come up with a list of expectations I really had no basis for, and then to sit back and wait tensely for them to be fulfilled. Needless to say, this isn't exactly how it works. After being honest with yourself and your needs and finding a college that you truly believe will help you become successful, try and keep your expectations limited. Open-mindedness makes it a lot easier to meet more people, take interesting classes, and to truly enjoy all of the unexpected joys of college life. Also, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get involved. The best piece of advice I received about college came from an older student; she took a more proactive approach to the old pearl of wisdom and simply told me to make college the best years of my life.


Find a balance at your school. Become active in extracurricular activities but find a balance between those, your social life, and your school work.


Never stop looking at colleges untill you find one that you feel comftorable at. Remember that college will be your home for the nest four plus years. Make sure it fits your life style.


Don't go to a school just because your parents want you to go there or for financial reasons. Make sure it's exactly where you want to be.