My best advice for students in making the most of their college experience is to put yourself out there. This applies to dating, applying for scholarships, speaking up in class, and almost every aspect of college. Too many of my friends are constantly worrying about failure, which ends up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you won't win any scholarships for school, you probably won't. There are many opportunities in college for those who are willing to stick their neck out and take the risk. The worst that can happen in applying for a job, internship, or scholarship is rejection, not execution, so there is no need to act like failure is the end of the world. Some of the most successful people are those who have failed before. Michael Jordan's quote sticks out in my mind, "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. " Most importantly, do what you love and find happiness.
Take your time, look at all your choices and options. Visit the school and pay close attention to the finacial information. As a student choose the first one that feels comfortable because usually thats the right one for you.
College is supposed to be one of the best times of your life and choosing the right school is important in order to ensure one has the ultimate college experience. I have found that one of the most important things about choosing the appropriate school is simply going to visit the school that you are interested in more than once. I think it is imperative to visit more than once because one gets the opportunity to see the school in different weather conditions, at different times of the year, and experiences points of view from either two different tour guides or see parts of the school that they did not have the opportunity to appreciate the first time around. I think part of the college experience is also living on campus because commuters miss the whole aspect of campus life and living on their own for the first time. Lastly, I would like to reassure future students that it is okay if they do not know what they want to do for the rest of their life. Freshman year is the time to get the liberal arts credits out of the way and discover your passion in life.
Choose wisely. Make sure you choose a college that fits with there personality. The better they fit, the better they will do.
Make sure when you visit the school that you do not just look at the facilities, but that you also get a feel for the students who attend. Observe if they are friendly and willing to help you. You might be able to observe how they interact with each other to help determine if people at the school tend to be friendly or distant. I strongly recommend sitting in on a class that directly applies to your major. When I saw one of my professors teach I knew that this was someone from whom I wanted to learn. During the application process find a book about how to write an admissions essay. You want your essay to be unique and show who you are rather than simply state it; reading examples can help you get a better feel for what admissions staffs enjoy reading. Also, apply early because some schools only offer certain scholarships to those who apply before November or December.
Once you have chosen a college do not allow yourself to simply fade into the background. Visit professors in their offices to better understand the material and let them know that the subject is important to you.
Saint Francis University is a wonderful school. Though it may be small it is very friendly and helpful to many students. It has a great reputation and a very high hiring rate. The small classes make it very personal, which is nice when you are in need of some extra help from professors or your advisor. The campus is beautiful and relaxing to be in and small enough that you can walk all over it! Overall I love my school and would suggest it to anyone.
To save your money before attending or choosing a college. College is expensive and if you dont plan you are scrambbling every semester to make ends meet and to meet your tuition.
I would say to pick a school that the prospective student will be comfortable at. Don't pick the school based on highschool friends because everyone inevitably makes new friends at college. He/she should pick a school that offers a degree in something that he/she enjoys doing, not necessarily the salary that goes along with it. Pick a school that puts a lot of emphasis on academics. Pick a school that is affordable, but do not limit yourself based on tuition. Find a school that offers a lot of on-campus activities, and most of all, GET INVOLVED.
I would advice parents and students to start looking for a school early, in their junior year of high school, and to look at a large variety of schools. Even if a student is sure they want a certain type of school, such as a small school, I would encourage him or her to still look at different types of schools. College forced me to grow up a lot, and I am happy I did. If I was to do it all over again, I would look around at a variety of campuses and further from my home. I would also advise students to seriously consider their prorities and expectations about their future college experience and to be honest with themselves. Some schools are more social than academic and vice vera, and I would encourage a student to know where they will be happy. Finally, I suggest students ask their parents for advice, because parental imput really is valuable, but make the final decision themselves. Starting college is one of the first major steps into adulthood, and it is a decision a student should make with careful consideration.