Find a college that will take you as far as you want to go.
The best advice I can give to the students looking for the right college would these few things:
-Check out all your options that would affect your time at college. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek the answers.
-Dont sell yourself short! Be confident in the abilities you have and the accomplishments that have come through the years.
-Be prepared for the unexpected and be open to anything that comes your way (I got rejected from my top picks and ended up going to my last choice and I dont regret it at all :o) )
For Parents:
-Let your kid make the decision about what college he/she wants to look at
-Provide you kid with the necessary information about financial things...and if your kid looks at a school that maybe outside of the limits, dont count it out...but trust you'll come into the money (there are tons of scholarships out there!)
-Just be there for's very nerve raking for us during this time and it is for you as well...and don't open the letters that come from the school haha, we kids don't like that.
To find the right college, you need to consider the type of environment you learn best in. For example, I was accustomed to small class sizes in high school, so I knew that my college would be a perfect fit for me because it is small. Be sure that your college will provide you with the necessary tools and experience you need to be successful in your future job field. Also, to make the most of your college experience, I would become involved in a few activities, but not too many so that your schedule is not overloaded. It is important to get a taste of everything that your college has to offer. It may seem difficult to get involved at first, but take advantage of opportunities to do so as they come along.
go where it feels right, not where your friends are going not where the biggest parties are just go where you could see yourself for the next four years. in terms of making the most of your college experience, simply live and learn. the only way people can truely figure something out is experience. go out, make friends, make your own decision, experience is the best form of learning in any situation. even a bad decision can be a great tool for learning what not to do.
look for a college that is fitting for you and know that once in college your perspective on things in life will probably change. also look for a place that will help you grow as a person.
Be open to change. A school that may look very attractive at first may not actually be "the one". Don't get your heart set on one school; consider your options. Also, be realistic. If you are thinking about college but may not have the grades, there is nothing wrong with doing a year or two at community college and then transferring to your ideal school. When you get to college, it is all a learning experience, but don't forget to LEARN. Go to class, study, and do your work, then play. You're paying thousands of dollars a year for the school to educate you, but if you don't hold up your part of the deal the whole thing is worthless. If you utilize your time wisely, learn as much as you can, and spend your time wisely, then that is a quality education, no matter where you end up getting your diploma.
1. Look at and visit many colleges
2. Ask around for the best colleges in the major that you are looking for
3. If you dont think you can afford the school (even after financial aid), ask for more financial help from the school. They want you to attend their university, so they will work with you.
4. Sit in on a class and stay overnight
5. Meet professsors (they will be the ones helping you mold your future)
6. Don't be scared to ask questions
7. Get involved
8. Don't e scared of meeting new people and experiencing new things.
Look around and find all the information on the colleges you're thinking about going to. Once you have your research go and visit the schools and make sure to ask lots of questions. After seeing the campus you'll have a better perspective on which colleges you like better than others. If possible, and this is most important, try and go for an overnight stay sponsored by the school. Also try to sit in on a class. Doing all of these things will help you get a feel for the right college for you.
When students are finding the right college for them they should look at three things; programs, school size, and location. Students should go to the college that offers them the best education foremost. They can do this by comparing board exam pass ratings, reputation, and speaking with faculty. School size is the second most important aspect of picking a school because a small school will offer the best opportunity for student-faculty interaction, and the chance to focus on school work. A larger size will undoubtedly offer a more typical college experience many students desire. Third is location; a school close to home will allow the chance to continue visiting friends and family, while a distant school allows a student to start anew.
To make the most out of the college experience it is important for the student to stay true to his or her self. Incoming freshman have a clean slate for the next number of years, and changing oneself to fit in with a certain crowd would ruin this slate. College is a time for discovering oneself , and staying true will allow everything good to fall into place.
It is essential for parents and students to find out as much information as possible about the various colleges the student wishes to apply to. Visit the different colleges to make sure that you like the atmosphere. It might be best to visit the schools at times other than open houses so that you get a true sense of the college. Open houses make colleges out to be more than they truly are. Even your first choice school is not going to be perfect so try to roll with the punches and let college happen. College is what you make of it. Do not procrastinate too much or else you will find out how stressful college can be; but as long as you stay up with your work load and remember to take a break once in a while, you will have an amazing experience. I repeat, remember to take a break and enjoy college life. Overworking yourself will only provide for poor performance.