Saint Francis University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Francis University know before they start?


I would tell myself to relax some. I would never change anything that has happened along this rollercoaster that is called my life since graduating but I would not allow myself to worry so much. Throughout my high school career and my first few years of high school I worried about everything. Many were stupid things as in if people liked me, were people talking about me, would I fit in, would I have to talk in front of these people that may or may not like me. It took many years and many experiences to understand that it does not matter. Getting an education matters, being a decent person matters and attempting to make a different in the world matters. Being concerned about people liking me or fitting in are not important because not everyone is always going to like me, no matter how hard I try, and nobody always fits in in every situation. I wish I would have known this much earlier in life and I could have just been me, truly and entirely, and been able to enjoy a normal college experience instead of torturing myself with doubt for such a long time.


At first it is very important to remember that everyone is in the same boat as you, so don't be embarrased or shy, just be yourself. Once you make friends and start hanging out don't be afraid to say no to anything, stick to what you believe in. Before you decide where to attend, do in depth research about your school, but remember, no place is going to be perfect, however, some places will suit you better. Don't feel forced to declare a major in the beginning, you still have plenty of time and will have a better idea of what you want to study down the road. When you are in school, take the core classes seriously, they will make you a better all around person and people respect that in the long run. The key to doing well in school is going to and attending classes. You will save yourself time and stress in the big picture if you focus in class. If you take part in class it will make studying later mush easier. Good Luck!


Take time to shadow people in the career fields you are interested in, look at career forecasts, and volunteer as much as possible.


Save your money and don't spend it on stupid stuff. Study hard and don't sacrifice study time for social time. Take college life seriously and work hard. Keep your parents involved too.


I would have gotten a job in high school and saved money up for school. School is very expensive with living costs, books, food, and supplies that are all needed especially gas is expensive when you commute.


Finding the right college can be very difficult and stressful for many students. The most important thing to remember are the areas of study the school offers. Pick a school that has the area of study you are interested in and that also has many related studies in case you decide to change your mind on your career. Also make sure that the school you choose is the proper distance from home for you. If you have never been away from home for an extended period of time, although it may seem attractive to go far from home, pick a school that makes it easy for you to return home if you wish. I would also suggest to pick a school that has many extra curricular activities to aid to your learning process. College is not only the time to expand your knowledge but also a time to grow as a person. You want to be able to grow as an individual and become a well rounded person, which will help you in your future career.


Find the school you want to go to base on what you want as an indiviual and not what parents or friends want, remember your the one that is going to be attending the school. And aloways remember to manage your time correctly cuz that's what college is all about, managing your time, studying hard, learning new experiences, and having fun.


First and foremost, don't expect everything to be perfect, because it will never be. Every school has drinking issues on campus, despite school policies; however, the smaller ones are usually safer and more regimented. Make sure that there are many activities availible to the students; because keeping busy is key to success, and makes it harder to get into trouble. Make sure that the school is looking out for your best interest. Don't feel forced to pursue a major at first. Take classes that you think you may find interesting and see what fits you best.


Use your heart. Don't be too concerned with money and how much it will cost you. In the end, you will be taking out loans no matter what. In the long run, you would rater pay more and be happy than pay less and regret college all together. College will be the most memorable years of your life, set yourself up to enjoy it. Remember your education comes first.


Research and visit as many as possible to find the one that is the best fit for you.