If I could return to high school and tell my 17 year old self a few things, I would tell him to work. I play football and in high school I didn't push academics as much as I did athletics. I would tell myself to learn to study and to do well in the classroom before focusing on athletics. Nevertheless, I would tell myself to push myself as hard as I could in football because it would open up so many more windows of opportunity.
Apply to as many schools as possible. Apply to the local schools that send you mail, emails, and application fee waivers. Apply to schools you have never heard of. Apply to schools that your friends are attending and apply to schools that nobody knows about. Apply to in-state and out-of-state schools. Apply even if you may get rejected or wait-listed. Apply to as many schools as you can because the more options you give yourself, the more opportunities you open up for yourself. Picking the right school for you is a big decision, and having many to choose from will give you better odds of finding the perfect one. Do not doubt yourself. College is an extremely important part of our lives and you want to make sure that you find the right fit.
As my freshman year of college draws to an end, I recall many fears I had a year ago about transitioning from a high school teenager to an adult colllege student. If I were to give advice to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to take more chances. I was hesitant for the first few weeks of school to really be the outgoing person I know I am. As the only student from my high school to attend Seton Hill University, I was left to experience the transition to college by myself, which caused me to be anxious of new social situations. The truth is, every freshman student I met this year was just as afraid to make the transition as I was. The best thing I could have done was extend a friendly smile to more people to make their transition, as well as my own, easier. If I had done this, I am sure I would have had more chances to get more involved with more clubs, meet more people, and make more lasting connections in my first year of college.
My advice to myself as a high school senior would really be to never procrastinate, always be organized, up to date on world issues, and to expand my literature. I would definitely tell my younger self to better prepare for the price of college!!! College is very expansive and I was extremely naive about the cost. Financial Aid didn't cover the cost of my tuition, let alone my books or any addition college supply costs. I would tell myself to expand my knowledge of worldly affairs because classes at Seton Hill University take what is happening outside of the classroom into the classroom to allow students to think using issues happening currently. Reading more literature would expand my vocabulary and which would expand my writing ability. Writing is very important in college, if I am reading good literature, and expanding my knowledge on literature, it will better my writing and vocabulary. I would tell myself to always pay close attention in English class and always pay attention to APA format! Most of all, I would tell myself to relax, just breathe, and enjoy the ride! College is a great, amazing, never dull, life changing experience! Have fun!
Stay in school. Do not be tempted by trying to tackle the real world at a young age. You need time to develop mentally before you can become an adult. Learn things you never were interrested in. Study as much as possible. Never stop questioning things. Fill your head with as much knowledge as you can. If you can major in something that greatly interests you then go as far as you can in the study of that major. A masters degree or a PHD. Do not work hard now to try and survive when you can stay in school and be what you want to be someday and then you can really live. Not just survive.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a High School senior, I would give myself the advice of applying for all the scholarships imaginable. I never realized how expensize college was, and if I could go back in time I would definitely applied for many more scholarships. I would also tell myself that I am now entering the real world, and I need to learn how to do things for myself. I would tell myself that being a college athlete is more difficult being a regular college student, because I must learn how to manage my time, due to all the practices and work outs plus study time. It is a difficult adjustment, but I will get into a regular routine. I would tell myself that I will appreciate my parents so much more once I am living on campus. A lot of high school seniors take their parents for granted, until they reach the real world. I will tell myself to stay positive in this long and difficult process, because nothing of value comes without hard work.
If given the opportunity to travel back in time to advise myself on the transition from high school to college, there are several things that I would like to be aware of as the younger version of myself. First, I would warn myself of the risks of encountering my first taste of freedom. There are many hazards out there. I should be careful not to be drawn into the exciting fast-paced night life that can be found in college life. Secondly, I should always stay focused on the task at hand. Your education is more important than you may realize at this point in your life. I should not take it nonchalantly. Take things seriously. I am after all studying to prepare myself for my career. Lastly, take a little time to enjoy myself. I should avoid the pressures and stay extremely focused; however, I am still in college. I should learn to balance my life. This should be an experience to remember. Good luck. Make the most of it.
I would tell myself to sit down, figure out exactly what I wanted to do, explore many schools including those out of state, and understand the limits I have. I have just learned that I have maxed out all that I can borrow from the government. My advice to myself if I were a high school senior would to understand how important it is to figure out your steps and don't just accept the first scholarship you are awarded.
In highschool, I was so concerned with how I looked to attend school, making friends, having fun, and then came school. In college I've learned that it's more important to focus on school work and learning because this knowledge is going to help shape my future. I would have told myself to continue enjoying my life in highschool, because those are some of the best years, but I would have encouraged myself to focus more on developing study habits and time management skills to assist in the transition between highschool courses and college courses.
Another piece of advice I would give my highschool self is to not worry so much about the transition into college life itself. I have a twin sisters so I have had the pleasure of always having a friend take milestones with me. Going to college alone made me anxious and I worried myself sick. The transition was smooth and I love it here. I miss her but I spent so much time worring that I didn't get to enjoy my last few months with her.
I wasn’t the ideal high school student. It wasn’t until I started volunteering and attending college hoping to find a direction for my life that I found a purpose. I believe I have proven myself a capable student at my current junior college and a determined individual. My professors have inspired me with their thoughtful discussions, their love for their subjects, and how much they want the students in their classes to succeed. After interacting with such strong individuals, I wanted to develop my own enthusiasm for learning and as I took a variety of courses, I not only came to love the excitement of learning simply for the sake of knowing something new, but I also came to understand the idea that giving back to my community adds to my genuine experience of life. Never once have I regretted my decision to attend junior college. The experiences I have gained here with the professors and students have been extraordinary. I will always carry what I have learned at this institution with me, and I look forward to sharing my experiences and creating memories that will last a lifetime.