Seton Hill University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Seton Hill University know before they start?


If you have a lot of money then go here. If not, go to a community college.


Make sure you visit!!! Never go anywhere without visiting first.


Take your time in deciding which college is best for you. Make campus visits and talk to students rather than professors, to get a feel of what your life at school is really going to be like. Parents should understand that drinking happens in EVERY college , unless that college is a jail. Don't worry if you are undecided on a major, at most universities I gurantee your major will find YOU if you don't know what you want to do. Have fun : )


Go to the college that you like, not the one that will give you the best financial package.


You need to pick a college were you feel at home. It is difficult to describe but when you drive up to a campus you usually just have a feeling that this is the right place and it is where you are meant to be. Never settle.


Look around at schools that are both nearby, and far. Ask your college-age friends about schools they looked at. Don't only use the stregnth of academic programs as the leading factor in your choice, but also look at the overall experience and other various campus services as well.


Always visit the college before making a final decision. There is nothing which can give you a true feel for the campus like visiting. Meet some of your potential professors, coaches, or program heads. Talk to current students in your field to see how they like the school. Once you start school, participate in activites. Don't stay holed up in your room, make friends outside of your roomate(s). Don't skip class all the time, it's understandable to want to try it a few times, that's what college is for, but you are paying too much money to never go. Majors were invented to be changed, it's OK to not know what you want to do... just do something. If the school really isn't right for you, transferring is always an option. Remember these years are for you to discover who you are - have fun with it!


A school may seem like the perfect fit, but can turn out to not be. My advice is to not get frustrated with it and to keep searching. Eventually you will find the perfect fit, and it is a little easier since you generally know what kind of school you're looking for after you experience one that did not work. I transferred this year and was so nervous because I didn't really know anyone, and everyone had already made friends their freshman year. Fortunately, Seton HIll has a very friendly campus and I did make friends right away. I also tried to get involved in activities, like cheerleading, to make friends. This turned out to be the best thing for me, because I made new friends and I get a ton of exercise. Also, my coach in understanding that my schoolwork needs to come first.


Start looking for qualities that you want in school early. It is never too early to start looking for schools because there are so many schools and so many programs to choose from. When looking for a major make sure you have more than one major in mind at the school you wish to attend because a lot of the times students change their minds after their first or second year. You want to have something to fall back on and this will keep you from transferring after your freshman year. When you start college, stay away from home for about a month because you need to establish independence and start taking the necessary steps to adulthood. When applying for colleges attend college fairs because a lot of the times they waive you application fee and this will save you a lot of money because applications cost. A big part in surviving college is time management so buy a calendar and mark when things are due and what events are going on. Most importantly remember to enjoy the college life because when it is over you will be wishing you were still there.


The advice I would give would be to apply to a variety of schools and make sure you visit each one for a good chance to get to know the campus and what kind of things are offered there.