Seton Hill University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Seton Hill University know before they start?


Take your time. Read the fine print. Do not sign anything until you understand what you are signing. See as much as you can before you sign.


I would say to make sure you visit--multiple times. Talk to other students and ask them any questions you can think of. How do they like it here? What are the professors like in their discipline? What's the atmosphere like? What's there to do for fun? I would also strongly recommend spending the night at a school you're considering to get a better idea of what it's like to be an actual student there. You'll learn about social life, the food on campus, and dorm life. Although these aren't class related, these are important aspects of a potential college that you'll want to consider. If you can, sit in on a class in the content area that you're interested in. You can get an idea of class sizes, college professors, and a little experience of what it's like to be a college student taking college courses. Meet with financial aid! Most students skip this part, but they can give you some great advice for paying your tuition. Parents, talk to students and go on visits too. Your comfort is just as important as your child's. Most importantly, ask questions!


I think that the most important thing in choosing a college, is picking a place where you feel comfortable. Both mentally and physically. If you can not feel secure, within yourself, and within your dorm room, you will never be able to concentrate on success.


Don't just stay in your room go out and do something.


Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling and make it work no matter what. I had the choice between a school I really adorded, but couldn't really afford and a school I wasn't really comfortable with, but could afford. When it came push to shove, my mum and I made it work because it's such an important decision, that if you're not at least 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure of your choice, you could really end up having a miserable time. And I say 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} because there will always be little "what if" questions dangling in your mind and that's totally okay. It makes your opinion more human.


Don't just look in one place, keep your options open. If you need to audition or ave a portfolio review for your major, try even at places you don't think you could ever get in to. And once you are at college, GET INVOLVED. Join clubs, intramural sports, anythign that gets you out of your room and socializing with other students, the people you meet in college could be your life-long friends if you let them! So take advantage of the many social activities your college plans, most of them are free and your tuition pays for them so go to them! Most importantly have fun even while you are learning things that will help you for the rest of your life!


When choosing the right college and making the most of the college experience, you really need to be able to visit a campus, sit down alone, on a bench, look around, take everything in, and say 'this could be home.' I think you need to feel at home in order to have a good college experience, first a fore-most. You also need to remember to be outgoing and personable, in order to make new friends and learn new things.


Sometimes the most popular schools aren't the very best schools. Dig deep & look closely at all your options.