I have gotten so much out of my college experience so far. I have learned so much at Seton Hill and have really broadened my horizons in my field of study. I've learned a lot about my campus and about myself also. I've learned how to study better and how to become more efficient in class. I think this is valuable information because I can use these habits in the future when I try to get a job after college.
I have received a well-rounded education. Seton Hill is a Liberal Arts university so I have experience in fields from Religion to Art plus experience in my major of Forensic Science. The education at Seton Hill has made me more open minded and taught me to question and research everything. Don't just accept something, look into it further to expand your knowledge. I have also received valuable experience in my major which has better prepared me to work in the field of Forensic Science and to excel in a position in a crime lab or related area.
I have gotten the experience of living on my own. i have no family in pennsylvania so i have to depend on me to do everything for me. I gain the experince to be independent.
As an adult returning to school, this is very easy for me. I know now what I wish I new 20 years ago. Explore all of your options, learn what you need to know about financial aid and scholarships and actually use the information . It may take a bit of effort, but its worth the time. Enjoy your education and make sure you get the most out of each class-don't rush, take your time there is no hurry to move on. The more knowledge you secure-intellectually and spiritually will only help you as you begin your career and lifes journey as an adult. Network and make as many professional and social connections as possible, volunteer and intern, discover every option out there to see which path you enjoy most. Having not only a career you enjoy and can make a living at is the ultimate bonus.
As a senior I did not know lots of information about Universities in the United States because I was in Ethiopia for my high school senior year. One thing I wish I have done is to complete scolarships to fund my education, because everything is not as easy as I thought it would be like. I wish I had prepare myself better about being homesick .
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself is to relax and do not stress. The transition can be difficult, but if you relax it will make things so much easier. Another thing I would tell myself is to be nice to everyone you meet and even though someone may seem different from you or come from a different country they are going through the same thing you are. I would also tell myself to study and read the assigned chapters because it will help you understand what is going on in class better. One more thing I would advise is not to procrastinate and get enough sleep so you do not fall asleep in class.
I would tell myself to go after my dreams and major in the subject that makes me happy. This is my second time through school because the first time I majored in something that I don't wish to do for the rest of my life. I'm now very happy as a music therapy major, and I would tell my high school self about that degree and to pursue it right away instead of having to go back for another bachelor's.
I would tell myself to not get so caught up in hanging out with my friends as a freshman, that I get behind in my school work and make a lot of bad procrastinating habits that were hard to break, though I did break them. It would have just made it easier on myself to not develop those kinds of habits in the first place. I would also tell myself to break away from my roommate sooner than I did when I was a freshman. There are a whole lot of different kinds of people out there, so don't be scared to meet new friends. That goes along with attending more campus-sponsered events. They are free, fun, and open you up to new things that you might not have tried before or might not get another chance to.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to stress out about college. It is basically high school, except the work is a little harder. I would also tell encourage myself to stay away from drugs because they are the downfall of a lot of college students. And finally, I would tell myself to just keep on, keeping on. Stay on the right track, stay focused, and keep making smart decisions.
The biggest advice I can give to students, especially in this economy, is to first figure out what YOU want. Parents: let your child decide what he or she wants to do, without influence from you. Then find a way to look at as many schools as possible. The more choices you have the better your chances of finding the college or university that is perfect for you. Do not worry about cost right away. That could limit your options too soon. Find something you enjoy and will stick with for the full two or four year duration, rather than "what you can afford" but presents no academic excitement. Please, visit the schools before you apply. If you can't visit before the application deadline - apply anyway. However, plan a visit before you decide to attend. As far as making the most of the college experience, this will happen quite naturally if you first looked at what you wanted to do. Be proactive and seek information about campus life, rather than waiting for information to come to you. Budget your time wisely, so that can get homework finished, but still check out the mall with friends. Most important - have fun!