The advice I would give to parent or student about finding the right college is to never give up. It is hard to find the right college because there are so many to pick from, but it is possible. It is very important to visit the college to see if you like the enivorment. If you do not like the class size, or the people at there it will be very hard to learn in that enivorment . Also it is important to know about the safty plan of the school.
The college experience is wonderful, but when you have come to a point were you feel burned out and you feel like you cannot handle or deal with what you need to do, just remember why you came to school and how much you can help people with your degree. All you have to do is take a break from what you are doing and do something else so you can clear your mind to finish the work. Always make sure there is a equal balance of studying and enjoying yourself. This is why you should get involed with activities.
Go where you feel most comfortable at and look at many differnt schools, not just a few.
The college/univeristy that you a freshman chooses is their home for the next four years. My biggest piece of advice is to visit the school you plan on attending. When you visit a school you are able to get the full affect of the environment, other students and the size of the campus and its population. I volunteer as a tour guide and often meet with perspective students and their families, I encourage students to ask many questions. Not only are you investing money into your education you are investing time. Precious time where you will meet life long friends and professors who hopefully have the students best interest in mind. By visiting a campus students know first hand if they will "fit in" and if there are programs and activities that let them fully express themselves. :-)
Making the choice for a college is a lenghty and hard process. However, when you go through all the tour visits, planning setions, and pamplets, and suddenly it hits you...THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO GO! Go for it! When you know, you know.
It is so important to think about what kind of atmosphere you would like to be a part of. Do you want a small friendly school or a large school with thousands? Either way, when you get there...get involved. If you want to love the school you attend, you need to be a part of the "behind the scenes" things. Be part of student governement, give tours of you school, play a sport, or do it all! Slowly take one things and then when you feel like you can't do any more, don't. It is bettere to do a few things really well, then to do tons of things not very well.
I think its key to not feel afraid and scared of your college pick. You have to go through the facts and see what you like. Take a visit to the school, talk to current students and see whats up!
In my opinion and experience, college is what you make of it. If you send in your acceptance letter with an open and optimistic mind, you can't lose. College is an opportunity for a young person to experience, learn, and grow. Selecting a college can be tough, but all you need to do is go with what makes you comfortable and choose the institution that makes you excited and anxious to go out into the "real world" on your own. Your college should want to teach you, and make you the best and most educated person for your career. While in college, you must be willing to learn and make decisions for yourself, while not worrying about the past or what people think - this is YOUR time and YOUR education. College is the time to grow up and discover who you are and what you want to become. Have fun, but stay smart and listen to the advice you are given, because you are there to learn. Take advantage of the wonderful opportunity you have been given.
Think about what exactly you are looking to get out of college. You really need to sit down and think about what each school can offer you, and which on fits you as an individual the best. You need to look at everything from academic standards, to social possibilities. Everyone knows that you are there to earn a degree, but you will also be growing as a person/adult at your chosen school, so you need to choose a school that will allow you to do that in the way that best suits you as an individual.
Follow your heart. I didn't understand how important the experience of college was until I began to experience it myself. At first I wanted to go to a school to be close to my friends but in the end I decided to branch out and start my life. It was the best decision I ever made. Seton Hill is the complete opposite of what I am use to. I grew up in NYC and never saw a real winter wonderland until my freshman year in college, in the middle of rural PA. Needless to say it was breathe taking. It was that moment that made me realize that following my heart to this hidden treasure was the best decision I could have ever made. The college experience is one that can not be "made" it just simply happens. Whether you sit and study or go out and party your experience is one you will remember forever and it will change your life.
Take the time you need to find out how you will fit with a given school. It's important to find a place that suits your personality (not your parents' personalities or your best friend's personality--YOURS). You spend a great deal of time and energy at college, not to mention money, so make it an important adventure in your life. Explore options you may never truly consider possible, just to see if there's anything at all that fits. You get what you give with college, so taking the time and energy to find a good fit will benefit you in the long run.
Try to find a college that gives good financial aid and will help you as much as they can to help you pay for tuition.
My advice is to do your research and as as many questions as possible. Be sure to see how the school has developed over the past 10 years because this is usually how much more will be built in the next 10 years. Make sure you love the school before you choose!