Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


If I could go back to being a high school senior I would of taken the application process more seriously. I would of looked at more colleges across the United States to see what the best Exercise Science Programs were. I also would of started scholarship opporunites earlier. The bills in college add up a lot faster than i realized and made paying for school more challenging. So knowing this I could have sat down and applied for schollarships every weekend in high School. Overall Im very happy with my decision to attend Slippery Rock Univerity. Its a great school with great opportunites for success.


I would tell myself to go in undecided and to not worry about what I want to major in and just focus on classes. I would aslo encourage myself to join the clubs that I did.


I would tell my high school senior self to work really hard to get good grades my senior year and to not get worked up about making the transition to college life because, it's not as bad as everyone makes it seem it is. College is fun but work so you have to work hard and not let yourself get lazy and slack off, you have to stay on top of your academics always if you want to have good grades. I would also tell myself not to let things bother me so much because college is a completely different place and you around people you have never met before and to think of it as a clean slate, a place to start over. No one there knows your past so they can't hold it against you.


If I could go back and give advice to my high school self I would tell myself not to rush picking a school or a major becouse its a big step and one of the first you'll be making on your own. After that I would then tell my high school self to start packing sooner and to not pack so much as there is a long walk to your dorm and you won't use half of the stuff you bring anyway and you will get more stuff as the year goes by. You'll get stuff by bringing it back from breaks or your prarents bringing things they think you need, but don't. I would also tell my self to get out there more and mingle with people. The more friends the better! Lastly I would remind myself to take a chill pill everyonce and awhile and to not stress so much. I would tell myself to "Save the stress for when your looking for a job not while you are still descovering who you truly are, be open to new ideas and people, you might me surprised by how much you like it or them".


Hello High School me, Starting college may seem like a stressful time. However, make the most out of it and study hard. Do not slack off. You will do great. Make sure you are okay with who you are rooming with because if you are not, make sure you do something about it. Have fun. Don't stress. You'll do great! College Senior you!


College is a transition into another life. First, look at your current finances and don't make a decision on what people would find most pleasing, make a decision that would be best for you. The expense of loans add up and it will affect long term finanaces in your future. Many people and peers look down on going to a community college, but for someone that has to pay for school on their own, it makes a lot of sense to start out getting all your liberal classes finished. It is much more resonable than starting out and going to a university with having to pay a higher tution and pay for living expenses. In the end, the main goal is to gain a degree to better your future. I would also highly reccommend getting involved in campus activities. The people you meet are a part of your college experience and getting involved helps for you to find people that have the same interests as you. As cliche as it sounds, enjoy each moment that you are given because an opportunity like going to college is a privledge and going to college is a blessing.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow my dream. I chose my second-choice school due to money restraints and distance. I would tell myself that everyone has college debt, and eventually, I will be able to pay it off, even if I attended a more expensive university. I wish I would have known that in high school, because I feel I made the wrong college choice due to the price and distance. I would also tell myself to start studying in high school, because when I got to college, I did not know how to study. I would tell myself to start learning how to study in high school so I was not in for such a big shock in college. Other than those few tips, there is nothing else I would tell myself if I could give my high school-self advice.


I would tell myself that I need to learn to be more responsible. Stop relying on your mother and begin to take small steps towards taking care of yourself. If I learned that earlier I would have adjusted more easily. I would also add that in order to make friends you have to be a friend. Be considerate of your roommates and put forth an effort to really get to know people. Everyone here is friendly but you really have to work to get to know people. Show them that homeschoolers aren't socially awkward after all. One of the last things I would tell myself would be to begin writing things down. Don't just hope you will remember to do something instead take the initiative and write it down so you remember and can do it thoroughly. Last of all I would tell myself don't give up. It's going to be rough but you will make it through. Don't push your family away they are there to help you. If I could tell myself these things I believe the transition into college would have been a lot easier.


I know that watching Different Worlds gave you the impression that college is a piece of cake and filled with parties and cute guys but you should've paid attention to the episodes that showed the all night study sessions and the hours it takes to write a research paper. Though your college experience will be amazing it is important to give your all even if you do not like the class. Studying and being extremely organized will get you through the tough semesters. It is best that I warn you now before you make the wrong decisions. The best way to make the transition from high school to college is simply being organized and knowing how to manage your time. Each class you take will require a lot of your time and if you know how to manage your time and organize your work, college will really be simple. Finding out what resources your college provides will really help you especially if they have a math tutor and a writing center that reviews your research papers long before it is due. Just focus and study hard and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.


I would tell myself to learn how to study and be a more studious student, otherwise you will have some challenges in your future academically.