I would say that you should trust your instincts and not let anyone else influence your decision of what to do with your life. Live with someone you don't know and meet new people right off the bat. The first couple months might be rough but just focus and have fun and everything will be fine. Get involved right away and don't wait because the longer you wait the harder it will be to get involved. You may change your major once or twice but that's perfectly normal, many people do it. Have fun, meet new people , and develop good study habits right away.
keep and open mind and definately find out information on what the school is like from current students, rather than just the school itself
Go to a college because you like it not because it has your major. Find a place that you fit in and like and everything else will come. Visit as many campuses as you can. Visit places even if you aren't sure you would really go there. It gives you the experience of college visits and it lets you see what different places off. This will give you and idea of what you want your college to be like.
The best way to find out if a college is right for you is to visit it multiple times. Getting a tour of the school doesn't give you enough details about student life and what it's really like to attend there. I recommend staying with a friend that goes to the school. Eat at the dining hall, visit the bookstore, peek inside the classrooms and auds, walk the campus, talk to a few students, meet people in the dorms. It's important to balance what you're looking for in a college between academics, athletics, feeling comfortable and safe on campus, and financially. Find out if people stick around on weekends, and what type of stuff there is to do in town and on campus.
To make the most out of the college experience, go over notes after you take them, get close with professors, and get involved with enjoyable activities and clubs. If you find yourself struggling with academics, take a break from your social life and play catch up. Never cram studying into the week before an exam, it'll take too long, and you have other exams to worry about!
My advice to future students and parents of future students would be to choose a variety of options. Be sure to visit all different styles of schools such as small, medium, large, urban, rural, diverse, etc in order to really be able to pick what is best for the prospective student. Once you choose a school, in order to make the best of the college experience you, as the new freshman, have to get out there and get involved. Join clubs that you're interested in and most importantly for me when I was a freshman was to not be afraid. Don't be afraid to do something you've never done before such as take French class. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you don't understand a word your chemistry professor is saying. Don't be afraid to live on your own without your parents. Don't be afraid to make new friends and most importantly, give you school a chance and you will have the best college experience possible for you.
To find the right college for you, just go and visit all the colleges possible. You might have heard people saying that you will just know when you find it. I thought they where just saying that cause I just did not get anything at any of the schools I visited, but the second I walked onto Slippery Rock campus, I just knew. I promise you, you'll just know.
My advice would be to go with your gut and what you think and nobody else. Don't go to a school just because your best friend or boyfriend goes there. You will make new friends and have a blast. Get involved on campus because it's the best cure for homesickness. However, make sure you keep up with your schoolwork because if your GPA slips, it will come back to haunt you. And parents; don't worry too much or freak out. As long as you have faith in your son or daughter and you're proud of the person they have become, they will be fine.
My advice about finding the right college is; go with your gut feeling. If you feel like a college is right for you, do whatever it takes to get in. When you get accepted into the college of your choice, it is a great feeling. Do not settle just because you couldn't get in the first time. Once you get in, make friends, explore campus. Your roommates may seem like they aren't your type at first, but open up to them, share your interests, and you will become fast friends. Professors are there to help, and that is what they love to do. You can go to them for anything. Just have fun, be yourself, and remember to study hard.
To the parents: go for a school that is at a reasonable cost with financial aids and grants If you can't afford it, the loans will bite you in the butt later on.
To the students: go with where you are most comfortable. If you like a city setting, don't go for somewhere secluded and out in the country, and vice versa. Also, consider the size of the school. If you want small classes, go with a smaller school, if you want large ones, then go with a large school.
Parents need to know that this is going to be their child?s next home. A parent should allow the student to make the final decision and to not emphasize the differences in money. Parents may not know but students do worry about the money even if their parents are helping in any way. Parents should also know make time to sit with your child and help with the school process for it mean a lot to any child if their parent approve of where they would like to go. Visiting schools is probably the best advice anyone in college can give. When a student is on a campus they can get the feeling of being a part of the campus life. Students you want to feel as if you want to start school right away and that this will be a place you can call home.