Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Class Size!!!!!!!!!!!! After attending a very large college and a smaller college, I realized how much better my education really was. Large colleges in cities gives the students alot more to think about than school. In a smaller school you mind set is more acedemic than the larger school and you feel more of a need to attend classes, exspecially since they are so personable and the professor can actually know all their students. Acedemic support is also much greater in a smaller school. Students also tend to know alot more people at a smaller school and tend to see them alot more often than at a large school. Smaller school sometimes also tend to be a little less pricey as well which is a great thing when you graduate! Small classes, closer friends, more acedemic support, better price you just cant beat it.


Make sure you visit the college before you go.


I advise parents to listen to the children 's opinions because the parents are not the ones that have to endure 4 or more years there. To the students all I can say is follow your heart, never do what people think you are good at. It's your life, others do not have to deal with your decisions, you do.


I would really take the time their senior year of high school and visit the schools that peak their interest. I really think that if the student/parents get a head start into finding out what they're looking for early on then the search for their perfect matched school will be only application letters away. I have found that most schools have department heads available for questions on showcase/visitation days. So getting some time to meet with them is really helpful, it gives you insight on what the professors are like and what kind of majors suit your personal interest. As for students getting the most out of their college career, its more about how the student is and what they expect from college. I think finding friends that will stick with you through thick and thin are always important, especially in college. However, I also think that college is the transition period between being a child and going to school and becoming an adult and moving out into the 'real world' to find a career. Therefore, take the opportunity to try different things, get involved and you'll end up with an awesome resume for the future.


Follow your gut. Take other peoples advice, and ask about their experiences, but at the end of the road, this is your choice, and you are the one that will be attending the school, so make sure you get a "home" -like feeling and feel comfortable wherever you choose.


Make sure the college you choose has a variety of majors that you may be interested in because most students switch their major at least once. Be sure to look into the campus life and the activities that go on on campus. Make sure the school is located somewhere where you can enjoy living for example if you don't like snow, don't go up north, if you don't like humidity go out west. Personally, I would recommend a school where your professors know you and are able to help you. At big schools it is hard to meet/ talk with a professor. At smaller schools you have the ability to meet one on one for help or advice.


I feel that the students personal interests need to be in mind while looking for a school. Not only academics need to be taken into account but also social life. This is where you son or daughter will be spending the next four years of their lives and its a time where they will truly be shaped into an adult. You want to make sure that they are in a place where they have the resources to achieve what they want in life with out stuggling. Alot will change in this time for you son or daughter but in good ways. College is not only about learning in the classroom but also learning real life challenges on your own.


Definetely visit the campus so you can get a feel for it and see how the students there interact. But most of all talk to people who attend the school. And talk to more than one because everyone has a different experience at college.


In most cases, students entering college really don't have the best idea of what they would like to do with the rest of their lives. In the case that you do, you should encourage yourself and others to attend a school with an environment that will suffice and keep you happy. Lets be real, every college has good and bad professors. What I'm trying to say is that if you don't know what you want to do, at least make sure you are in a place that will keep you happy when other things don't. Being homesick can get hard when things aren't going well. Make sure the college you choose turns into a home away from home. Visit that school a few times before you decide to go there and when/if you ever decide to transfer... make sure you REALLY want to leave before you do. College is expensive and you lose a lot of hard work if you transfer. Choose a location that will make you wake up in the morning and smile because you're there. Seriously.


Basically, if you are a parent, take your son or daughter to various colleges that your son or daughter are interested in. Don't try to persuade him or her, but let him or her make the desicion based on what works for them. College is the first major step for students to decide on their future, so let them decide and support their desicsion. If you are a student, don't choose a school that your great grandfather went to, a school where all of your friends are going, or a school where your girldfriend or boyfriend is going. Choose the school that is right for you. Visit many different schools until you find the one that fits you best. When you find the college that best fits, you will know. College is a life changing, hopefully positive experience. Choose what is best for you. To make the most out of college you need to remember three things. One, have a social life. Without friends or someone to talk to, it is easy to feel miserable. Two, want to learn. Be excited that you have the opportunity learn new information from experts! Lastly and obviously, make good decisions.