Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


I would tell myself that there is going to be times you fill like throwing in the towel on studying and doing homework, but just hang in there. If you need help don't be affraid to ask your professor for help and don't be affraid of getting a tutor. Get involved on campus right away and be open to new people so you can make friends.


Dear Lindsay, Many people are going to tell you not to be a teacher, but don't listen to them. It is your dream and you should always fight for your dreams and never regret anything. Your past is what makes you who you are today, be proud of it! As a senior, I realize studying isn't that hard, but don't slack off because it will make your college years a million times harder. Learn your own study habits and what works best for you now, instead of waiting. If you think you may need help with something, don't be embarassed to ask someone for it. The only person it will hurt if you don't, is you. College is going to be hard, but it will all be worth it when you get into your own classroom and get to inspire those students, just like you dream of. Remember to settle things with your roommates early, don't wait. It will make your life so much easier if you just admit something is wrong to begin with. Please take all of this advice to heart because you'll do great!


College is supposed to be one of the best times in someone's life and is a experience that can definitely be unforgettable. Making the transition into any university is something no one can prepare themselves for and can be a very uncomfortble situation. The Community Assistants available at Slippery Rock University are here for any student 24-7 and create an exciting atmosphere that makes no situation uneasy. If I had the chance to go back, I truely feel as if i would not change a single thing. In life everything happens for a reason and to even be able to experience such a thing like college is a true blessing. We learn from everything we do, even if it is adjusting to a place where we could possibly spend the next four years. College life will take a lot to get use to but with the help of your family, friends and teachers, any transition can be an easy one.


Don't try to act like you know everything. Work hard because once you get behind, you stay behind and it is very hard to catch up. It's okay to ask for help. In fact, it's necessary! At the first sign of trouble ask for the help you need. Put yourself on the line and don't be afraid of making mistakes. Also, don't take a semester off of me! Your friends will help you get through the really tough days so dont be afraid to befriend people. Be openminded and don't be scared of putting forth an opionion. It's okay if you disagree, you are entiled to that. It doesn't mean you are wrong! Professors are here to help and you are more to them than a name on a piece of paper. Become friends with your teachers for they can learn just as much from you as you learn from them. Plus, these are great resources to use after you graduate. College is new, but don't be scared. It's nothing you cant handle. Be yourself and you will learn so much about yourself that you never knew!


If i could go back in tim and talk to my high school senior self, I would tell her not to be afraid to take risks and be confident. My freshman year of college I auditioned for a lot of pieces for the dance department and during auditions I had no cofidence in myself and I think it showed. That year I only made one piece. However, this year I really put myself out there and I have been in five concerts already. I would tell myself that college is very different from high school and supporting yourself is a lot harder than it looks. I would tell myself to not waste money on stupid pointless materialistic things and to save it for college. Also, I probably would have warned myself to get a part-time job my last year in high school so I would money for the many college expenses. The last important thing I would tell myself is to never doubt myself because I am a strong, hard worker that can do anything if I work for it and to never forget that.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself to be more outgoing to people and not judge people based off first impressions becasue I ended up being friends with someone I never thought I would be friends with. I would also tell myself to wake up earlier and not leave everything to the last minute. I would also tell myself to review for Japanese more and make sure I retain it. I would also tell myself to join more than two groups on campus because its a great way to meet new people.


I would tell myself not to worry about whether or not I would adjust to a new place. What's most important is whether or not the school I choose will provide for the program I am interested in. I can make myself happy no matter what school I choose to attend. Each college is what I make it to be.


If I was talking to myself during senior year of high school, I would tell myself not to take home for granted. Eight hours away from home is incredibly far- and it's more difficult than you'd think. You love your family more than you realize, and you're going to miss them terribly. Spend some time at home and enjoy what you have before you have to leave.


I would say to myself don't trust people you knew in high school. Those people are not the same anymore going to college really does change you. I would also say to myself that I needed to get out more and know my limits on certain things. I would tell myself that I needed to keep my best friends very close but not to forget them when I went to college. Trust me you will need them to lean on. The most important thing I would tell myself is to not take life so seriously, its okay to let loose and not be so uptight. Be who you want to be and live the life you want to remember. Go crazy and have fun but also don't do anything you wouldn't want your grandmother to know about. Be the person that you know you can be.


Don't take your guidance counselor too seriously. Sure, you're smart, but that doesn't mean that you can't attend a school with lower acceptance standards. That school just might be the one. Remember that it's okay to not know what you want to do with your life yet and it's okay to transfer multiple times to find the school that fits you. Whatever you do, follow your heart, but keep in mind your financial situation and choose a school that meets your needs both academically and economically. It's rough being in debt, but sometimes it's necessary to follow your dreams. Take loans if you need them and try to work part time during the summer so that you can focus on school and your social life during the school year. Remember to breathe. When you're stressed or you feel like you've failed, take a break and take a nap. Sleep is so much more important that you might think. Lastly, I'd like to say good luck out there, believe in yourself, and take advantage of life's opportunities.