The advice i would give to myself would be too really plan everything out. I went into my first year of college and had no plan what so ever. i thought i would be able to breeze through these four years of school without a care in the world, but i soon realized that was impossible. After finishing my first semester, i sat down and really thought everything out. I realized I had to come up with a better plan for paying for school, and i also realized i needed to learn how to manage my time better for the upcoming semester. So if i could go back in time, i would take the time to come up with game plan for my year.
Honestly the one piece of advice I would give myself if I could travel back in time would be to stop and enjoy the moment because everything will work out in life. I wanted high school to be over so bad when I was there and now when I look back I would give anything to have it again. I love college but there were so many less responsibilites that I had to account for in high school that I never realized. I lost so many nights sleep wondering what my future would hold, instead of enjoying the time that I was going through at that moment. Everything always work out in life. Your life may not always turn out the way you pictured it would, but eventually you will always find the path you were meant to travel.
I never regret the choices I have made, but if I had the chance to alter my path along the way, I think there would be a few changes. If I did have the chance to tell Emily (the senior version of me) anything, it would be to stay focused. I was a great student with good grades. I took a year off high school, and sometimes wished I wouldn?t have. I didn?t believe those people who said, ?You won?t want to go back!? When I did go to college, the transition was harder because I wasn?t as focused. I didn?t believe those people who said, ?You won?t want to go back!? My mother, in a way, is like a version of me. She told me to room with someone I knew, which was a great choice. Also wait to buy the books, until you KNOW you will need them. That was a mistake I made! The main thing I would tell myself is to relax. Other freshmen are as nervous as you are. It?s ok to be unsure of a major, it?s a big choice, so dont judge others!
If I were able to speak to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that despite many students mentality that, to be a real college student, you must party, I've quickly come to realize that as untrue. There is so much pressure to fit in at your college, but there is no reason to have to party every night for the "college experience". I would also tell myself not to stress about the college level professors. Many of my professors are very friendly and always willing to help to insure that you succeed.
I would be so happy to see myself again from back when I was a senior in high school because I know that I can tell myself to prepare now for my transition. I would first congratulate myself on my improvements from every accomplishment in high school and for making the right decision by continuing to challenge myself with my education. After telling myself how proud I am, I would have to tell him the news about how college really is like. I would tell myself how high school wasn?t hard, but it wasn?t easy, college is mainly challenging. It will challenge you with time management, responsibility, and maturity.
In college one must understand the importance of being punctual within their schedule. One also needs to realize that their parents are not there to tell you to do your homework. Lastly, you need to grow up while in college because you?re around an older crowd of people who don?t want to be bothered by kids.
I would want nothing more than to be able to know ahead of time that preparation is needed before college in order to excel within your education.
I would have said nothing. There is nothing that would change the way I feel about the school. I love the campus and the location. The people who live on my floor are the best (except for my roommate), and my classes were not bad at all. This is a great experience to learn as I go through it, I would not want to ruin all the great surprises of this experience.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know about college life now and the transition I made, advice that I would give myself would be to make sure that I stay true to myself and I be proud of who I am. I knew I wanted to going to college to obtain a teaching certification before I graduated from high school. But going to a college where I didn?t know anybody, I realized I had to step out of my comfort zone and be outgoing and willing to talk to others if I wanted to make new friends. But not changing my personality was most important. Having those characteristics is significant because college is the ultimate place to meet new people and create friendships. College is also a place where there are people who are from different backgrounds and cultures. Even though I might not understand others cultures, it is important that I learn about them to become a member of the global society in which we live. The experiences I have encountered during my first semester have provided me with a foundation for my college journey.
I would tell myself to work harder. If I would have worked harder in high school I wuld be able to get more scholarships I wouldn't have the money problem I do now. I would tell myself to listen to what my parents were saying about how important your gpa is. I wish I would have worked harder for better grades because I would be more prepared for the college work load.
If I went back and time and gave my high-school-senior-self advice, I would have first told myself to not worry so much! I made the transition to Slippery Rock University so easily, and for the longest time I thought that I would not know what to do or if I would make any friends. I would have also told myself to research the campus and what it offers a little bit more so that I could have been using all of SRU's fine resources before I had to be told. I would tell myself to focus more on what makes me happy than "what looks good" or "what pays more money." I would have told myself to think of a job that result in many different jobs that I would like, or to find something that I honestly could believe I'd do for the rest of my life. I would have told myself to play more sports and be more involved so that I had a few more talents to bring to college. All this advice comes from my true thoughts, but for the most part I wouldn't have changed a thing.
manage my time and study hard