Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Spend more time on your studies, make more friends, and get more sleep to fully enjoy being in college.


Stay focused. Don't let yourself slip up and fail classes because you're distracted by minute things, like friends and what they think of you. Stay in contact with your high school friends if you can. But remember, they're busy too, so don't stress yourself out if it seems like they don't have time for you anymore. They don't right now. They're focusing on where they want to go in life too. Don't worry, they'll be there over breaks and you can hang out and catch up then. Don't take on too many activities at college and not have enough time for your schoolwork. You need to get out there and meet people, so SOME activities are good, but don't make them the focus of your college life. If you start having trouble in a class, get help from the tutoring center as fast as you can. Failing a class WILL hurt you QPA significantly, and it takes so much more work to raise it again than it does just doing what it takes initially to pass all of your classes.


If I could go back I would tell myself to join the Army National Guard right after High School and to go to college sooner. I would tell myself not to incurred as much debt as I have now making it more affordable to attend college. My biggest advice to students who have waited to go to college is to wait until you are 24 if you do not have parents helping you.


I would tell myself that I should save as much money as possible while in high school. Working can be a pain in the butt when all the rest of your friends are out having fun, but it will help you in the long run. The most stressful part of college was not the workload or finding where you fit it, it is the money situation. You are going to have loans no matter what, but you can still dwindle your loans a little bit. Also, study for the elective classes. It is not easy to go into a class when you think it is going to be boring. Try your hardest to get through the class the best you can. Study for everything because once your QPA is down, it is hard to bring it back up.


I would tell myself that no matter what happens to keep believing in yourself. I have been having problems with being confident in my dancing. My first year was hard but I know for sure that it will pay off in the end. Anothing thing that I would tell myself as a high school senior is no matter what happens your family will always be there for you. Don't make a big deal out of the small things. It will be a lot easier to make friends than you think. I've found that your best friend may be the one that you haven't know the longest. Trust what they say, the will always be there for you. But most importantly that as much as you stress about life you just have to keep believing that everything will be okay (because it will be).


If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior before going off to college, I think I would remind myself that it is a new time. It?s a time to start new friendships, try new activities, and go outside of my comfort box. I would have to remind myself that it would be okay to mess up as long as I learned a lesson from it and learned not to do it again. If I could go back, I know I would make it a point to tell myself that there is no need to rush in to things, that I can take my time and discover my options in college; that I could take an extra course that interests me instead of following the major requirements to the ?T?. Also, I would try to make myself understand that studying in the library for four plus hours won?t be so bad; that studying does actually pay off when I ace the test I will be studying for.


I wouldtell myself that I was able to get loans to get through college, even if I had no money to pay for m education. I would tell myself to go to college right after high school instead of waiting for 12 years to go to colege.


to choose college based on your future, not the present needs.


If I were to take a step back in time to my senior year in high school and give myself advice; I would have told myself that taking college credits in high school would have given me a lot more preparedness for college. I would then tell myself not to stress about the transition of leaving home and moving to a knew place. Also the last thing I would do is remind myself that college will be very diverse, and that I need to learn to be more accepting of other poeple.


If I could go back in time to my senior year of high school, I would tell myself to not be so afraid when I get to college. When I first arrived here, I was very timid because I was in a new place away from home surrounded by people I did not know. Although I did make a great deal of good friends in the dorms during my freshman year, I wish I would have gotten involved in more clubs and activities as soon as I got to college instead of waiting as long as I did. I would also like to tell myself that you only get one chance at college so it is important to make the best of it. I wish I would have spent more time being involved in activities and less time watching television in my dorm room during my first year. It is important to make the best of your time in college because it goes by much too quickly.