State University of New York at New Paltz Top Questions

What should every freshman at State University of New York at New Paltz know before they start?


Attention College-bound students and parents: College is an exciting time in a young person's life. It's a time to grow academically, spiritually, and interpersonally. It's the first step towards adulthood. Of course before getting to this point, homework must be completed, tests and quizzes must be taken, participation in clubs and extracurricular activities must occur, and the dreaded SAT's must be taken!!! My advice to you is "Don't stress this process! Relax, take a deep breath! Set aside time to develop a plan! Follow through, and it'll be smooth sailing from there on out!" The most essential step in the college application process is visiting several schools. Upon the visit, ask the tour guides questions (they're friendly--trust me). If you apply to a handful (10 or more) just visit the ones that are closest and the top picks. Also, see if any schools offer a virtual tour on their websites. Additionally, apply for as many scholarships and grants that you can find (via the internet, school, family connections, etc). Finally (for students), upon choosing a school, MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR EXPERIENCE! Study hard and get involved on campus!!! GOOD LUCK!!!


Go to school were you feel most comfortable, learn the most about the school before you get there. when you get there stay in your books but, have fun, all work and no play is not a good plan. Be yourself and stay true to who you are.