State University of New York at New Paltz Top Questions

What should every freshman at State University of New York at New Paltz know before they start?


It if was possible to go back in time to when I was a high school senior I would have told myself to do better in writing, to have a better studying routine, and to not procrastinate so much. I would have told myself to focus more on getting work done and have a set time to do it and not let the work linger. I would have told myself to take more risks and not be so scared or self concious. I would have taugh myself to not stress or worry so much and just let things fall into place. I would have tried to make more friends and learned how to approach people I dont know or have never talked to. I would have taught myself how to have a healthy relationship and not be so scared to leave an unhealthy one. If I could go back in time I would have told myself to focus more on school instead of having a B average raise it up and achieve more. I would have told myself that I can do better and not aim for average and go beyond that.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would have a lot of useful information to share. As a senior in high school I wanted to attend a small private college as a chemistry and biology major. As a freshman in college I did just that. My advice to myself would be to take more time in my decision of which school to attend. I would also tell myself to consider factors such as possibly changing my major, distance from home, and the availability of a wide range of classes. Luckily for me I had the ability and support to transfer colleges and I found my fit at SUNY New Paltz as a psychology major. I would not change my college experience, but being more prepared for the freedom of what I could choose to learn about would be something I would of liked to be more open to during my college search during high school. I would tell myself to be open to the possibility that I have not yet discovered all the passions I have in life just yet.


I would tell myself that college is a whole new world compared to high school. When in high school, you no longer have any of the stigmas that you may have gained in high school and you can become a whole new person, whoever you wish to be. College is an experience to let yourself grow and become whatever you want. Away from parents and high school may be scary at first, but you will grow to have a new family. In the end you must just be open.


I am absolutley loving my college experiance. I would congradulate myself as a high school senior for having the right idea.


If i can go back in time and tell my self about the college expiernece, it is challenging and worth it the expierience. Choosing to live in campus is a better choice because you will become more social,know what to improve academically. Walking around campus will let you know the hard work you went through high school and you deserve this. Try to be more social and to be scare to get out there and expierence the oppurtunity given to you. If their is a challenge be aware and try hard to overcome it.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to prove others wrong. I would tell myself to succeed in order to show others that you can, even when you are put down. I would tell myself that it is going to be a hard road ahead but with hard work and determination anything is possible. I would tell myself to always strive for the best while still remaining humble. Also, I would remind myself to never forget where I came from. College is a test of dedication and perseverance. Never let bad grades think you're not good enough, just work even harder to do better than before. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.


Hello, Self. You are about to leave home today. I know for a fact that you will cry tonight, because of the friends, family, and boyfriend you left behind. You will hate it at your new school for a few days and feel as if you can't relate to any of your peers, because you've always seen yourself as more mature and serious than others your age. Don't worry, Self, you will find your friends. Your classes won't seem as overwhelming as you thought, and you even will succeed in straight A's your first semester. The advice I can give you is to not get too sad over leaving what you knew. Change is hard, and I know that you feel as if you are the only one who hates change, but you are wrong. You will find others who are just as sad, awkward, and mature as yourself, and are waiting to meet you. Let go a little, Self. Open up to your new friends! It will make those first few days of transition much easier.


If I were to turn back time, to about six months ago, I would surely give myself some advice that would have made the transition to college a little more smooth. I would first tell myself to always trust my first instinct, and not to second guess myself. This is because by making a plan and sticking to it, college can seem a lot less confusing and new. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to keep up on the book readings! This was told to me so many times, but I felt as if skimming chapters would be sufficient. After cramming for many tests, I learned to read and reread full chapters, no matter how boring or tedious this task seemed. Finally, when going off to college, one never knows the background of those with whom they meet. Always keep in the back of your mind that "even though we both go to the same school, our situation can be very different, and the way we got here can also be very different." This advice will hopefully help in surrounding yourself with the best influences, and becoming the person who you want to become.


Go to New Paltz first rather than to my other college choices. New Paltz has the perfect staff for me to accomplish my goals it uses technology just enough with the classroom work to incorporate it well.


Sometimes in order for you to go to heaven, you have to go through hell. In high school, I had to go thorough test and exams to get to where I am and I'm proud of what I've done this far. In the future, I plan to better myself to be sucessful in whatever I do... Just hang in there and work hard!