State University of New York at New Paltz Top Questions

What should every freshman at State University of New York at New Paltz know before they start?


I certainly could have utilized the knowledge I know possess when I was a senior in high school. Planning one's education is important. Get in touch with the faculty and students at the college to really get a first-hand account of what its like to attend that school. Picking courses also must be underscored. The best universities may have weak courses that you will regret taking so choose carefully! Try to balance social life and schoolwork because if one dominates the other it will be difficult to be a happy and healthy student. Seek to amass a variety of knowledge, try things you haven't ever tried, and go out on a limb to have new experiences which challenge your ideas. In short: be open minded! Avoid competition; humankind is at its best when it is cooperative and learns from each other. Be careful where you live (on or off campus). Your housing situation can really influence your happiness. Remember that learning comes from many places - not just the classroom! Take the most you can out of your experience; utilize all resources available to you! You're paying plenty of money for it! Last but not least, STUDY!


The best piece of advice I would give myself if I could talk to myself as a high school senior would be that college should be about self discovery and focused on who I am/ want to be when I graduate. I entered college in a serious relationship and for the first two years I attended New Paltz. I was so engrossed in my relationship, I never took the time to experience many different aspects of New Paltz. My college experience changed drastically when my relationship ended my sophomore year. I labeled my final two years of college my “selfish years”; I learned more about myself in two years than I had in eighteen. I became more involved in extracurriculars, my academics, and discovered what I wanted to pursue as a career. I entered college closed minded and completely involved in my boyfriend’s well-being, I never took the time to take care of my own. So overall, the best piece of advice I would tell myself as a high school senior is to get involved in everything that I could don’t ever let anything stand in my way on my path of self discovery.


The abiltiy to double major and take full advantage of everthing the school has to offer me has made this school/experience invaluable. I aspire to be a professional musician who has complete artistic control of the music as well as the production behind the scenes - (kind of like the Baroque composer Handel). My goals and ambition has helped me land 3 internship - one of which was at Jimi Hendrix's studio in manhatten (Electric Lady Studios) to work with big name artists such as Coldplay and Kanye West. In the future I plan on obtaining an internship at a engineering company to hone my skills in the electrical engineering fields. The opportunitys that have opened up for me since I began attending SUNY are geared towared everything I want to do with my life and I receive full support from all my teaches and advisors. The college has made me friends and connections that will last me a lifetime. The atmosphere is fantastic - right next to woodstock - the greatest music festival ever with so many a great bands - how could you not feel inspired - especially having grown up on Motown/Oldies, blues/jazz and Classic Rock.


Prior to college, I never really had a voice or even a backbone throughout high school. I was considered to be the easy girl to take advantage of because people were able to coerce me into helping them in academics. Even though I am only a freshman I believe that I have finally been able to find my voice. I know now that I can no longer just let people step all over me and that I am a person with feelings who deserves to be happy. I've made my college my home and in that home I've met people that believe in me and treat me better than I thought I ever deserved. I know that I chose correctly when I decided to go to SUNY New Paltz and I'll never regret that decision.


There is a difference between acceptance and tolerance, and although tolerance is pushed for, acceptrance ends up being our end result, it is a great feeling to really understand people . I have also learned that most people in the registar's office are of no real help. My major was teaching, the 'acceptance' I mentioned before was huge within my curriculum. I can walk away from New Paltz knowing that I learned alot about people and how to work with them...and to not work with people in the offices on campus and go to the chairs of the respective departments. This helps me with my future endeavors, and hopefully it will help those who read this. Be good and good luck.


A change of perspective has probably been the most important thing I've gained from SUNY New Paltz. You become more humble the more different people you meet and the diversity at New Paltz is what gives the school its strength. I've made connections with peers and faculty that I hope to retain throughout the rest of my life.


The college I am currently attending and the city I currently live in is not at all where I intended to be in the 2010-2011 school year. Right now, I live at home with my parents because I just transferred to Monroe Community College from Parsons the School of Design in Manhattan, New York where I was studying to become a fashion designer. It was my dream to move out of the house, live in the city, work hard, and make it big. Because of financial struggles at home, all my perfectly planned goals had only begun to come into fruition before I was forced to come home and start over. This was one of the greatest struggles of my life. I was not happy with my situation and had no motivation. It was tough until I began to realize that truly, as one dream is lost, doors leading to every other possible dream are opened. I am grateful for my new school and the opportunity to explore options that had seemed impossible before. I now have the chance direct my life in any direction I please, with nothing, not even the lack of money, to stop me.


I have recieved enough knowledge about myslef at SUNY New Paltz to decide what I wiah to do in the future. I plan on going to Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences for an MS in Cytotechnology. In this career, I will be able to help people diagnose their diseases, such as cancer, as well as pursue my love of biology.


I have been mentored by some amazing and caring professors that helped me grow both mentally and emotionally during my four years of college.


I got to see the world outside of my parents house. Secondly, got to meet and interact with other students from different backgrounds and all walks of life. Stereotypes were blown out of the water. No one was around to wake you up to go to class. I learned how to be responsible for myself. That is one reason why college is valuable to attend. I learned how to be responsible for my own education and it is also a good learning experience to set goals and plans for the future. Each semester I had to think about what plans I would make for the next semester. College is valuable in that respect. Third , the college experience has given me a lasting bond with other students who attended New Paltz. A week ago I reconnected with a friend who graduated a year before me. He works as a therapist at the school where I am employed. We met after ten years and were able to talk about New Paltz and the choir where we used to sing together ! College helped me to mature . It is a valuable experience for all who attend.