In finding the right college for you, you must know what you want to do or know whats close to what you want to do with your life. The school you choose must also reflect who you are, what you are comfortable with and what you are willing to deal with. Location, diversity, academics, and campus life can affect your decision. So when looking for a school visit as many as you can and the one you feel most comfortable with should be the one you choose. Making the most out of your college life is to learn how to play hard and work hard. You must also know how to balance your funding. You may not be able to get all you want but start off with what you need. With that , get to know the people on your campus. Learn the ways of your campus. Learn about the campus life as a whole from upper classmen to lower classmen, from greeks to clubs and from teachers to students. Learning and living helps you to the max.
Picking a college is extremely hard today because there are just so many choices out there for students to choose from. The advice that I would give to someone to help them to find there right college is to do alot of research.. The next thing you do after you research enough and make some sort of list is you should make appointments to visit the colleges right away. I recommend visiting the college in the middle of a semester because than you will be able to see the campus in action. . If you are still unsure about a few schools visit again! if possible. There are so many different tools for sutdents to find out about colleges now. For example, books, internet, advisors, students.I think they should exhaust every single one of them before they pick the right school. To make the best of your college experience is to make sure you are fully prepared for the work that is going to be coming. If you take your work seriously and manage your time wisely it will give you plenty of time to hang with friends. Do not leave things to last minute, college life will be better.
Make sure to find a school that matches your own personality. Make sure to visit every school that youare interested in order to make the best decision.
Visit a lot of schools and talk to students who go to the school, it's the best way to find the right college for you.
Honestly, it is really hard to find a school that will really satisfy all of your needs.
During my search of a university i looked for
1. the fields that i was intrested in.
2. the amount of students attending.
3. the diversity rate
4. the cost 5.
and the location.
Currently i am really happy with my outcomes and this is my 3rd year in college. Dont worry too much about the social life because it will come, but make sure you visit the school just to see if you feel comfortable and welcomed within such environment. That's what most mattered to me., really helped me.
Know the career your interested in and make sure they have a ton of outlets and opportunities in that area.
For all the parents and students out there trying to find the right college for them, my only advise would be to look at as many colleges, in as many states, as possible, because the only way to find the best college is to look at as many as possible. When I was applying to colleges, I only looked at SUNYs, because that was all my parents could afford (and barely at that). Once I came to college I learned about so many other colleges that would have better fit my needs as a student, and knew that I could have been happier somewhere else, but decided not to leave because I had already made a life for myself in New Paltz.
As for the students that are looking for ways to make the most out of their college experience, my advice would be to try to open to new experiences as possible, as one will almost always be introduced to something new as a new student. However, and this is important, remember to keep a good balance between your social and academic life, because, as a new student, may lose sight of what is actually important: school.
I would suggest that the student makes the decision based on what they want and not what their parents want for them. This is going to be their life for the next four years. They must be happy with the decision they make.
Spend a night there and visit.
The most important thing to remember when looking for the college that best suits you is that choosing a school is not a binding conrtact. Plenty of students transfer, so it doesn?t hurt to try. If you choose a school that ends up not being what you thought, you are allowed to change your mind, but you never know, that school may end up being the perfect school for you.
I wanted to go to University of Delaware and my mother warned me that I was going to be lost in a school that big, so she urged me to try SUNY New Paltz and if I was unhappy I could transfer. I?m so happy my mom made me try something I was unsure of because if she hadn?t, I would not be as happy as I am today. So remember, keep your mind open to new ideas and experiences and you might accidentally find the school of your dreams and friends to last you a lifetime.