If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would probably first say, "what in the world are you wearing?" then maybe proceed onto a more important topic; what to do when you reach your college destination. I would simply say to my seventeen year-old self, "do not go into college thinking you know what college is like...because you don't." I would say this because as a senior in high school I had a clear idea of what college could and would do for me in my infantile mind. I knew who I would hang out with, what clubs I would join, how well I would do academically and how healthy I would diligently remain. However, moving day came, I moved in, my home moved out of me and I was left with the eerie feeling of sudden emptiness. I would ask, 'I came here knowing everything so why isn't any of it coming true?' And then I noticed that during my second semester I found friends, received good grades and got in shape. So I would tell my younger self to not expect, but to just be.
To senior Krystal I would say continue with what you are doing. you have always been one to think ahead but the one thing that I do suggest is that you should get a jump start on your financial aid. you are going to run into a lot of problems down the road due to our family's financial status, but you will see it through. you should get started in June right after graduation. Also, try applying for more scholarships, I know you think it's kind of tedious and would rather pay up front or take out a loan but believe me, it would pay off in the long run...we're still kind of working on that. Besides that though you will get through the transition pretty well. New Paltz is the place where you will grow and learn so many things about yourself you would be amazed. keep up the good work and remember, the sky is the limit.
The transition to college will be a bit different than the transition to high school. Reason being that high school and college are two different environments, two different atmospheres. All of the friends you know right now will go seperate ways. Things might change, people will move away, people will end up droping out, becoming parents and/or go into the military. College life is a start of a new life. You will have to start over completely from rock bottom because you are going into an environment you have never been in before. Nobody knows you, You will have to socialize. You will have to make friends. You are in charge of your education and your life. My advice to you is to cherish the times you have with family and friends. And to make sure you focus really hard on making it onto deans list!
There's one day I remember more than any other during my high school year.
The pre-thanksgiving chill during the 2004-2005 school year beat against my face as a seventeen-year-old me was driving at a simple solution to a complex world: "I will not care for anyone but myself." In the lunch hours of that Tuesday before the holiday, I surrendered to the selfish thought.
I sat next to that frail teenager and knew this statement would throw him off: "Hi, my name is Martin," I said as I extended a hand. He smurked, not looking at me. Good, an impression.
His silence maintained.
"Don't expect to get her back," I finally said. He immediately turned to look at me, a grimace building.
"But there is someone waiting for you."
I showed him a picture of a sexy and smoldering young woman.
"SHE is yours, and you belong to her," I told him.
He looked back and gave me a look of surprise and disbelief.
"What's her--" he started.
I stood up. He almost rose from his seat, so I turned and said "Become an engineer and find out."
That day my future shined.
If I could go back in time and give myself some vital advice for college life I would say:
1. Learn how to effectively study! It is one of the most crucial parts of life in college.
2. No one is here to hold your hand. This is your time to shine ; if you're not going to take this seriously no one else will for you. You must realize that if you aren't here for yourself you won't be truly happy.
4. There will be moments in college where you feel as though your world is crumbling but DON'T EVER GIVE UP! There are people out there willing to lend a helping hand. If you need help, ask for it.
5. Look for guidance in your professors and advisors; they truly are there to better your academic experience.
6. Don't forget to have fun and make time for yourself. A little rejuvination goes a long way.
7. Remember your body is a temple so take care of it. Eat right and stay fit.
8. Time management. It's better that you learn to hone this skill now; you will definitely need it later in life.
I would start first by constantly reminding myself to stay organized by always having a planner on hand and keeping a running list of short and long term goals, and possible career choices. This helps to keep you headed in the right direction and reminds you of the reason you are at college in the first place. With that, it is a must to take all opportunities, with yourself and your success in mind and to never be regretful because there is a reason for everything; all obstacles are learning experiences. Remember that actions speak louder than words and your actions predict the outcome of your future, so you must always put in exactly what you want out from school work; time spent studying in the library or with a friend always pays off in the end. Expanding your horizons is also important for personal growth while in college, so speaking to as many people as you can helps with networking and lifelong friends for the future. However, always be yourself and don?t ever change for someone because the best friends you will find will be the ones who accept you for who you are.
Stay out of trouble. There will be a lot of pressure to drink and do drugs, but don't give in. Focus on school, get your GPA as high as possible, and don't smoke cigarettes. SAVE YOUR MONEY. Get involved in clubs and activities, maybe become an RA. Keep your friends close, but not too close, they may stab you in the back.
The first semester is only as hard as you make it...sometimes it'll be easy to make friends and sometimes it will be difficult. The classes will be harder, but they'll also be more interesting. And there will be plenty of parties. But whatever happens, do whatever you want to do. Don't be hindered by fear; any kind of fear. Put yourself out there, and have a great time no matter what.
College is gonna be fun, just make sure to saty on top of your work. Don't worry so much about running, it's not the same in college. The team lacks as far as motivation goes. You're going to change in college, but not too much. For one thing your social life will be much better. You are going to switch your major to physics education. So just start with that major so you don't get behind in classes and have to take extra classes in the summer. And try to conserve your money freshman year.
In high school, I always feel like a little girl and everything is depended on what my parents told me. But now, I am away from home and I become more indepence when I am a college student or I am here at SUNY New Paltz which is my college.