Keep looking until you find out what fits you best. Theres a college out there for everyone. Don't settle for the mudane.
It's important to consider the following when choosing a school.
- Distance from home base ... can a student get there and back reasonably well?
- Environment ... city or country campus
- What goals does the school have academically ... does it offer the direction your student wants?
- Disability resource center is important to me ... does the school have that or other supports available?
- Social life ... does the school offer the kind of social or religious atmosphere the student want?
- Quality of daily life ... how are the dorm rooms (clean?), safe. Food the kind you like?
- High quality teachers.
Finding the right college is impossible. First parents and student should not search for a college only because it has some type of prestige. There are so many schools out there that are probably a better experience. Parents and students should look at the student body, the social life, teachers, and extra-curricular activities; but as they look at all of these things, they should also understand that there is no "right college" and that there is always something that you'll find wrong with your chose, its human nature we can't help but complain. Once the student realizes this then they can make the best out of their college experience. I've had friends that complain everyday about their college, I tell them to go out and make the most of it, to find that one thing that they love about the school and stick with it. It can be anything from joining a team, club, sororiety/fraternity, or the group of friends or person that will make your college experience all the more better. Its about understanding that college is difficult and change is more difficult, but once we accept that fact we change for the better.
Be careful what you study. Try for a double major. it only adds more value to your degree and experience.
The greatest advice I can give incoming students looking into any school is to check the food and become involved. Nothing makes a place feel more like home than knowing that you are a part of making it not only better but your own. Nothing is more miserable than eating the same bad food over and over. That a sighed, most people I know who did not fall in love with the colleges they chose their first semester just stayed in their rooms and did not give their school a chance. College campuses put a lot of funds into clubs and organizations so that students can get involved meet each other. Only through becoming overly involved in campus did I truly fall in love with it. If I did not step right in and take advantage everything your school has to offer.
I didn'nt want to go to SUNY New Paltz at first, wanted to go to UVM. Why? Cause i was naive and wanted a big college with a crazy Division One basketball team. But then the price tag came in and my parents were not happy. Luckily I got into SUNY New Paltz, and, though i did not like the idea at first, I came here and fell in love.
So my advice to parents and students is look into the cheaper state schools as definite choices, they are cheaper and you are getting the same education. If you are one of the lucky few who are able to recieve financial aid and get scholarships, go for the big expensive schools, but for everyone else, don't kill your wallet. Especially in today's economy. There is nothing to be ashamed of by going to a state school, it's cheaper and just as good as any college.
My mother never pushed me to do what was expected, and right after school instead of going right to college she supported me emotionally in moving to the city and doing an internship. I ended up finding out what wasn?t for me. Never discourage your child from taking the rout less traveled I know so many people who wished they had taken time to think about what they wanted to do. After having spent time in a world of name dropping and money making I decided I wanted to make a difference and help people who grew up poor like me.
Once you get to college take part in a college activity I would recommend a fall sport you go early and get to know people already attending the school when you start you have an instant friend group. Also take advantage of orientation a lot of people I know who are open engaging people are still friends with people they met during orientation myself included. If your having a had time tell someone it could be an anonymous counselor or your roommate just talk it?s the best way to get through all those hard times.
Visit the college first. Don't ever assume you will like a college without visiting first.
Trust your instinct. When you visit the right school you will know. I feel in love with New Paltz in the middle of a freezing cold day in February, the weather didn't matter, all I could see was the amazing possibilities for me to productive and happy.
KNow what you want in life and strive for that goal. Take a stroll around the campus all on your own during an avaerage day to get a feel for life on campus. Try and ask people who are walking around what they like or don't like about the school. Most importantly look for teachers you like and can learn from. Finding the right teacher is paramount.