For the students: it is very important to pick a campus that you feel comfortable on. This can include factors such as available academics, location, and availability of extracurricular activities. It is a big decision that can really impact the rest of your life, so choose what is right for you, not what someone else might think is right for you.
Let your kids have the majority of the say in college decisions. They are the ones that will be spending 4 years here. Look into all possible scholarship opportunities, they can be found if you try. To make the most of your college experience make the most of your high school experience. In college, be organised, learn to manage your time effectively, stay on top of work. At the same time, be social, join clubs and activities. Extra curriculars are just as important as academics and have just as much of an effect on the rest of your life. Have fun, stay focused.
I would tell students to find someone that they know who already attends the college that they are looking at. Try and visit, stay on campus, and go to a few classes with your friend. Don't base your choice on your first impression.
When I first came to visit SUNY Geneseo, I had a horrible tour guide and I hated the school. I wasn't even going to apply here, but my mother forced me to. When I got accepted, it was still at the bottom of my list. Geneseo has an overnight host program for accepted students whom are still making their decision, and my mother convinced me to go. After getting a second look at the school, I fell in love with it!
As for making the most of the college experience, I would recommend getting as involved as you possibly can. There truely is something for everyone here, and if a club doesn't exist, you can always make it up yourself! It is definately hard to not find someone with the same interests as you.
Finding the right college is difficult, but the best thing that can help you determine that is going on college visits and tours. The only way you will know if you will like a school is if you actually go to it before you start classes there. Make sure you feel comfortable and not overwhelmed. Sometimes the school work can be stressful, so it is nice to attend a campus that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. As for making the most out of your college experience, I just want to say to make friends. Making friends can help you get through the stickiest situations! Also, have fun... but not too much to where you can't concentrate on your schoolwork. Always make sure that's done first before going out! Relax, have fun, and do your best!
When looking for the right college, my advice to parents and students would be to plan visits to schools of interest. Many schools offer tours, and there often are current students available to answer any questions about the college. This way a student can get a good understanding of the college, and what life there might be like. It may also be helpful make an appointment to "sit in" on a class in the academic field of interest.
In regards to making the most of the college experience, my advice is to go to class and participate. Students pay good money for school. They should make good use of their own time and money, and make use of the professor's knowledge and expertise.
Participating in class makes a richer learning environment for all the students, and is helpful when learning new material. Also, don?t be afraid to talk with the professors. They are more than willing to answer your questions and help.
Lastly, Students should participate in on-campus clubs and sports, as well as volunteering. These are great ways to socialize, and volunteering is helpful the community, which also looks good on future resum?s.
My best advice would be to visit the college and see if there's someone that your child could visit and stay with for a few days to get an accurate good feel of the lifestyle there, take more than just the biased campus tour. DO NOT pick a major based on what school you want to go to just because it's the best thing that they offer for you; pick a college based on what you want to study.
There's a lot of guesswork involved in selecting the right college. Regardless of what you THINK you might want to major in, you will probably end up by changing your mind at least once...but that's perfectly fine. The first year or so of college is just about the same for everyone regardless of major, so don't panic and declare a major because you think you're going to be left behind. My best advice would be to talk to universities you would like to attend and see if they accept credit from a two-year institution like a community college.
There is no shame in attending a community college, regardless of how good or bad your grades were in highschool. It will save you money, allow you to narrow down your choice of major, and it will also give those who did poorly in highschool or on their SATs a second chance to get into a reputable four-year university.