SUNY College at Geneseo Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College at Geneseo know before they start?


The best piece of advice that I would give to parents and potential students would be to breakdown their needs before they begin looking at potential colleges. Variables like student size, climate, focus, price range, distance from home, class size should be established and all the schools that satisfy these should be considered. These variables should be more important than the "brand name" of the school. I also would remind them that the social surroundings of a school are just as important, if not more important than actual in-class functions.. 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of a students time is spent around other students in the social surroundings. If you are uncomfortable, or do not look at the overall environment of the school when considering your decision you may very well be very unhappy with your choice.


There are so many colleges to choose from now, the selection process can be extremely overwhelming. However, parents should help their child choose a college based on their personality and hobbies. Of course it is important to make sure the colleges one is looking at will provide an exceptional program in the student's intended field of study, but in my perspective one of the most important things to look at is outside of academics. Make sure the college offers an array of extracurricular activities or sports, as well as social organizations like fraternities and sororites as these are a great way to become involved in the campus and build lasting bonds with peers. This is how you will make the most of your experience -- what you do outside of the classroom or library. My main advice would be to get involved as much as you can, and you will meet friends of forever. Your friends will allow you to make the most of your four years by sharing your memorable experiences with others. Find a school that will give you the right balance of academic excellence and social activities, and you cannot possibly go wrong in your decision.


Never be afraid to go out and try new activities! Find out about all of the options on campus, and spend a few hours when class is in session to just walk around and take in campus life rather than a guided tour. Ask students what they like and dislike about the campus, they aren't trying to sell the campus like administarion or tour guides!


The best advice that I can give is to go to college when you are young and don't postpone your education until you are older or more sure of what you want to be. Investigate your options, and don't feel that you have to know exactly what you want to be in life before you make plans to go to college. Choose a college where you feel comfortable with the size of the campus and variety of classes and opportunities. Just because you don't know exactly what you want to do in life is not a reason for not going to college; often times your plans will change along the way. Allow yourself to change your mind if you are not happy with the program that you are in. It is better to take the time when you are young to explore your options than to find out years later that you should have followed your dreams.


THe best advice is to go out and spend a night at the college. If you are going to be on a varsity sport, stay with someone on the team over night and get a feel for it. The only way you are going to enjoy your time at college is if you know its the right school for you and thats one of the best ways to find out.


It is so important to visit any school you are interested in. An overnight visit will really give you a feel for what the campus is like. Generally, it's important to be sure that you are comfortable on the campus especially if you'll be spending four years there. You should definitely get involved in a campus group. Joining a sorority really made my experience worth while and most of my friends were either in a greek organization or on a sports team. Having a any group on campus really opened up social options and was a great way to meet new people, always have something to do, get involved in philanthropic activities, and have networking opportunities after graduation.


visit schools before you choose


Be yourself! Do not try to force yourself to like a college because someone thinks you would be a good fit. Go to the school, walk around, "people watch", talk to professors, talk to the people in charge of different activities you have an interest in. Don't be afraid to ask questions - any questions - students and professors will answer them truthfully. Sometimes it is the tough questions that are the best because it helps others to know you are taking this search seriously. Make sure you like the location of the school and will be content for four years! Most of all - just go where you will be happy. Find out about the social life, the socioeconomic status of others at the school (similar is usually better) and how strong the academics are. Remember that college is a once in a lifetime experience that you will enjoy wherever you go as long as you make the best of it. Look at life with a positive attitude and sometime will work it! What is meant to be will be. Take it easy and don't forget to breath when making "the" decision! Good luck!


choosing a college is one of the most important decision you and your child will be making. Choose a college that is not just academically excelled, but socially as well. If you will be living on campus, knowing what times of activities they provide is important. Base your decision on many axpects not just academics.


The advice I would give to parents and students when selecting a college is to visit the campus first, preferably overnight. Stay with a student who is in a program you are interested in so you can see an actual class you might have to take. And stay overnight to get an idea of what the college is like during downtime/socially. The majority of what makes a college great is the friends and memories you make while you're there, which have nothing to do with academics. Once you get to college, meet as many new people as possible! Say hello to everyone, and do not form cliques too early. Being well liked and knowing a lot of people will help you out during your four years at college and make the experience much more pleasant. Also, don't get overwhelmed by classes or by having to decided a major right away. So take your time and try to find what you're interested in. Most colleges allow plenty of time for switching your major before you must decide. But be sure to have a specific career in mind when choosing your major! That will help when you graduate.