SUNY College at Geneseo Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College at Geneseo know before they start?


I would say," I've got to sign up for the college credit classes in 11th and 12th grade before I'll graduate from high school . Do my very best in those classes , so when I do graduate I'll already be half way done with college credits towards a degree". I"ll choose a nearby college that has minimal fees for credits and parking. I'll also sighn up for a work study program. I want to achieve A's across the board in my classes , because I really want to make the honor roll. For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be in the medical field my interests are in medical records, medical assistant, or RN. Everything I have investigated tells its better to climb the ladder first. This means a student is excepted into a nursing program if you already have : CNA,(certified nursing assistant, MA (certified medical assistant, and one must have a cuurent dated CPR certificate . My goals are to stay in classes until I reach the criteria necessary to enroll in a either Health Information AAS degree or Registered Nurse Degree. Knowing this I must start my generals classes 1st.


As a high school senior I would encourage myself to think harder about my college selection compared to what career I would like to pursue. I have realized being in school that certain majors are more popular than others and it is harder to get into some classes compared to others. I would make sure to visit every school at least twice before accepting admission, that way I may have picked up on more things about a school before I chose it. I also would encourage myself to pay more attention to the financial aspect of college and to apply to as many scholarships as possible, as education is costly, especially if you look to transfer. I feel that with this advice I would have made a much better decision about the colleg that I picked.


If I could go back in time to approximately one year ago today, I would find myself preparing for my senior year of high school. With the knowledge that I have now come to possess about college life and the necessary transition, I would advise my past self to refrain from worrying and stressing over my future plans. Although a little stress can be healthy, I tended to over-think and over-analyze my options. I have come to find that college is a terrific experience that is not meant to be strictly hard work and tough classes. College can be a lot of fun, as well. You have the opportunity to meet many wonderful, diverse people and get involved around campus. The only thing I regret about my senior year of high school was that I allowed myself to have so much anxiety about college and what would become of me in the future. I have since found that I had nothing to worry about, and that college will be a great time for me to learn and grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.


People say that senior year in high school are to enjoy our last year in school, so we can enjoy our senior week and prom and all the good and fun stuff we have in our senior year. In reality senior year should be to start looking forward in life to become better persons in a future. That year should be to start thinking what we want to become, what do we want when we are out of high school. If only I could go back in time and give myself an advice I would say ; ” stop acting and start reacting!” time is passing and time doesn’t wait, lets make the best out of this senior year having fun but also thinking mature of what I want to stand from here and 5years from now. I would tell myself to apply for a lot of scholarships so I can make it into a good college and catch my dream of becoming a Psychologist. I would also tell myself to study a lot more and to give the best that I can to accomplish my goals, and not to stop until I achieve them all be how I want .


I would advise myself to forget about the money. Go where you're going to be happy. I wish I had topld myself to go to an excellent large public university in another state that has a good balance of academics, athletics, and a social life. I also would've told myself to work harder in high school so I could've gotten into a better college.


Mariel, your upcoming college experience is going to be great. As a high school student there are always thoughts and fears of the unknown future. Remember that everyone else entering as a freshman has the same questions: will I fit in, how is the food, who will my roommate be. The most important advice is to be yourself, be socially and academically responsible and do not allow students who are not responsible to influence you. Focus on what you are interested in and pursue those interests. In college unlike in high school you are expected to carve out a path for yourself. You are treated as an adult and expected to behave as one. All the opportunities are present but only if you avail yourself to utilize them. T'he same is true for social and leadership activities. College is a precursor to your adult life. You can be as successful as you want but you have to make it happen. Look forward to college as a privilege as well as a gift and embrace this opportunity. Most importantly, have fun.


With the ability to talk to myself as a high school senior now, I would have substantial advice. First of all, do what makes you happy and do not worry about pleasing others. In the long run, it is you who matters. Deciding on a major does not need to be rushed, you cannot expect to know exactly what you want to do at eighteen years old. Follow your heart, and do what makes you happy. There are countless opportunities to succeed. Monetary means will fall into place eventually, do not let your lack of money deter you from doing anything. Study abroad! Take advantage of the ability to travel the world at this age and experience amazing cultures; again, do not worry about the cost. Join organizations, clubs, and anything to meet new people. You are going to meet so many new people, and in doing so, will learn more about yourself. Do not do anything you do not feel is right. You will find people will similar values and those are the ones you want to surround yourself with. College is a time for learning, fun, and new experiences. Take advantage of it!


It has been very valuable for me to attend college because I have grown and learned more about myself. I have gained a new found confidence, that I never had before, I have learned to not be afriad of something new and unknown. Plus I am also gaining academic knowledge, which will benefit me when I pursue my career. Attending college has made me more responsible as a student. I take my job as a student very seriously. I have learned that it is my responsiblity to turn in assignments on time, make sure I make time to read and study the material for the next time I have class. I also have learned that there is nothing wrong with asking questions if I am having trouble grasping a new concept. Overall attending college has taught me to be a better person in more ways than just academically. The conccepts I have learned will be with me for the rest of my life. As a future teacher I hope that I can teach my students these valuable concepts along with their academics


Im gaining usful knowdledge and skill's in school to apply to the work world when I enter it.Im 33 years old and up until and few months ago I had never done anything outside of my home.Im currently enrolled in a M.A program,with nursing school to follow.Im learning how to become a productive citzen in the work force in a in demand field,doing something I love.I had no work expierence and nothing other than a h.s diplomia prior to enrolling in ATI.


When I arrived as a freshman, I was for lack of a better word, a ‘kid.” I had always excelled in school without having to put in very much effort; and as a result, I was naïve to how much effort it truly takes to earn success in something meaningful. It quickly became apparent that the cliché is true, what one gets out of an experience is a direct result of the effort put forth. Many of the lessons that I have learned in college did not take place in a classroom or lecture hall. Starting from day one, you are thrown together with complete strangers whom which you are not only expected to work and live with, but also compete against. College forces a person to become versed in the dynamics of human relations that will exist long after the dorm room interactions are over. Furthermore, in college you become completely responsible for yourself; success or failure is entirely your own to claim. Attending college at SUNY Geneseo has been an essential part of my life, which has not only prepared me academically, but also personally to succeed in my future.