When you walk on to the campus, you should feel at home. I could usually tell if I would like a school or not before I even got out of the car. But that doesn't mean you should not give every school a chance, because they can surprise you. Don't let finances hold you back from going to your dream school, but you must always weigh the possibility that you're major may not get you the kind of money you will need to pay off your loans. The choice you make, inevitably puts you into a group of people who all felt the same way about that great place. You have a bond that unites everyone on campus from the moment you show up. And if you have one thing in common with everyone, it is much easier to find more things you share. Relax, enjoy yourself, and allow yourself to be open to any and all new things, because you could find something or someone you have a great connection with.
Chossing a college is one of the most challenging and stressful choices you will ever make. Not only do you have to take into account the stature of a single college or university, but also it's affordability. The academic and financial value of a college or university must be weighed thoughtfully and with much foresight. It is my view that, while Ivy League schools provide it's students with massive accredidation, an education and college experience of equal or greater value can be found across the country without leaving an individual crushed with post-graduation debt. Secondly and quite possibly most importantly, when choosing the right college one must discover for his or herself what feels right. If you are uncomfortable in the place you will spending four or more years of your life, you are setting yourself up for failure. Having the correct environment plays a huge role in an individuals productivity and sence of well being. In conclusion, choosing a college is not just about selecting a place that is going to build your future career but also about finding a place that suits your personality and essentially acts as a comfortable home away from home.
The best advice I can give for making the most of a college career is simple: have no fear.
Don't be afraid. College may seem like a daunting, darker version of high school, but the rules change the moment you set foot on campus. Suddenly, you can become the person you've always wanted to be.
Don't be afraid to choose a college that feels natural, no matter where it is. It could be a thousand miles away, it could be down the road. If it feels like you belong there, you should go there.
Don't be afraid to challenge yourself. College is a time where you should be getting better at whatever it is you want to do. It will be the biggest learning experience of your life. Waste no time in trying new things.
Don't be afraid to meet new people. Introduce yourself to a complete stranger every now and then. My best friend at college was wearing a cool T-shirt the day I met him. I struck up a conversation; he's now my roommate.
Don't worry. College is going to be incredible. All you have to do is be yourself.
Finding the right college can be difficult. Sometimes you won't know until you get there, which college and campus is right for you. Do not get discouraged if you do not find the right fit immediately. My advice is to take your timeto figure out what it is that interests you most. After all, it is better to take a few more months or years to experience new adventures and discover your passions while your young.
I would consider myself to be a non-traditional college graduate. My experience didn't afford me to take advantage of the many oppotunities and expereinces that an undergraduate student is offered. Again, my adivice is to do it! Go study abroad, go build houses over spring break, join a club, a soroity/fraternity, get hooked into the varisty althelic events. These are all experiences and memories that will make your college experience that much more fruitful. Academics are important and it critical that you keep that focus. However, learning occurs in all avenues of life. Learn from your friends, learn from clubs, sports and travel expereinces. You won't regret it.
As a student preparing to take the next step in their academic career and as parents worried about your child's future these pre-college and college years may be very stressful. Let me assure you that these feelings are natural and are all part of the process. College is not only an academic experience but is also one filled with important life experiences that will help your child reach their full potential. This is a critical point that should not be forgotten. The college experience is very important to the development of many students. Every person comes out not only more knowledgable but also takes away friendships, networks, better jobs leading to careers, and unfortumately loans. These loans will be a small price for the experience though. It may not seem clear at the moment but there is a school for every individual that can facilitate your student's needs personally and academically. The trick is to not have the highest expectations but to take everything as it comes. You may suprise yourself with everything the college experience really does provide.
Find out what fits for you. Look at every aspect of a school: workload, professor help, academic advising, athletics, finanical aid etc. Take the whole picture into perspective and you'll find what works for you the best that way.
I woul say that they should definately visit colleges when deciding on the right one. In addition, students should be willing to interact with teachers and get to know them through office hours! It will make class more interesting and you will be presented with more opportunities to do well and excel! In addition, students should go out and be active in finding out what activities and opportunities are available to them. Often the good ones are there to be found and will not just be offered to you on a plate. Also, STUDY ABROAD. College is a great opportunity to travel to places where in the future, you might not have a chance to travel to.
Make sure its the one that the student would be most challenged and also comfortable at. You dont want the student to be at a school where they are uncomfortable. It can make or break them...
Start early; visit many; be open minded
Use the online resources to find a good match