SUNY College at Geneseo Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College at Geneseo know before they start?


I believe that at SUNY Geneseo I got more out of my college experience in four years than most would get in eight. From the classes, to the athletics, to the extracurriculars, my hard work and hard play were rewarded with memories that will last a lifetime. The academic life at SUNY Geneseo was an intense challenge. As a political science major who decided to pursue graduate school for physical therapy, I took classes in everything from international politics to biology. Each class held students who were of the highest intelligence level. At Geneseo, "smart" was not nearly enough. For the first time, I learned how to truly work hard at my studies. Everything else about Geneseo is what I will truely remember and value forever. Playing both soccer and track, leading my track team as a captain, I met many great people and was able to share several amazing moments with them. Conference championships, all-conference awards, NCAA tournament appearances were great, but it was practice every day that made my college experience. Not to mention after the game each saturday, when I got to celebrate with the best friends I've ever had, win or lose that day.


Out of the college experience I have received valuable knowledge about hard work, and success. In my one and a half years in college, I have learned more about what it takes to be successful both in the classroom and in the world than I have in the rest of my life. As a new college student I had no idea how much work or effort was needed to be successful and I knew that the only way to find out was through experience itself. My experience has taught me discipline, responsibility, dedication and it has built character and driven me to strive for excellence. Even in my short time, the college experience has prepared me to enter the business world. College has been valuable for many reasons first of which is gaining an education, which is both critical and necessary to be successful in today's world and economy. The college experience has also provided a range of different encounters which turned into learning experiences that will stay with me and help me for the rest of my life. All in all college has proven to be a life changer both for my future and my present life.


While attending SUNY at Geneseo, I learned that respecting yourself and your beliefs are very crucial to gaining one's independence and identity. Individual's are continuously challenged to go beyond what one normally would think. Yet, each thought and answer are never degraded The college experience has been valuable in the aspect of learning how to work with people of different racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Although some students may have felt unsure at a point while on campus because he/she was questioned/challenged, the liberality demonstrates that people are different, yet accepting. Most colleges express that diversity on the campus is a wonderful thing to have. However, Geneseo rarely has to advertise that idea. It's scenic beauty captivates an art major; the rustic architecture fulfills a history lover and the freshly painted, white lines encourages the athlete. Respect for oneself and another is a huge characteristic that each student walks away with after they leave Geneseo. It may be a small town, but the hearts that live in the depths of the valley are large and open.


College is a learning experience with many opportunities not only academically but socially as well. I think that going away to school has made me into a more independent and self-sufficient person. I have learned to manage my time according to my schedule and to manage my money and spending as well. I am learning so much about the teaching profession and am gaining so many valuable experiences working with many professors and getting feedback. In addition to academics, I have joined various extra-curricular activities which allow me to meet more people and be a part of clubs which I have a passion for. My college experience has made me more outgoing and has introduced me to many new people. Overall, I have grown into a stronger person and have learned so much from my experiences thus far. I hope to get the most out of my college experience as I continue learning and becoming involved on campus.


The best part of my college experience was figuring out where i fit within the larger society. I have learned to make decisions on my own and have realized that the choices i make, will affect my life forever. I have spent many nights working hard and never giving up. This has definately benefited me in many ways. As a graduate student now, i have been using a lot of the skills i have learned as an undergraduate. This has made me grow as a person. I have a more positive outlook on life and believe that I can achieve beyond my greatest expectations. I am very greatful for the experience at SUNY geneseo. I have been given the tools necessary to continue my journey as a life-long learner. I have also made strong bonds with other students and this has helped me to not give up hope and stay focused. Without these friends, i do not think i would have made it this far. Encouragement, support, and compassion from others is the key to a successful college experience.


I learned a great deal about relationships and myself while attending college, in addition to academic information. I found living on my own and learning who I am, what I enjoy, who I enjoy spending time with and the process of exploration of the self to be a major theme during those years. I was able to learn different dynamics of friendship relationships as well romantic relationships. I believe I began to "grow up" in college while at the same time having a unique set of freedoms from major life stresses.


I made a lot of mistakes during my freshman year. Many times I chose to have fun over working hard but I am excited to go back to Geneseo in the fall and continue to pursue my education. I want to learn everything that I possibly can and I will. So what I have gotten out of my college experience is that I have to work hard and be focused in order to succeed. A balance of hardwork and enjoyment can lead me to accomplish my goals-to become a succesful and accomplished writer and overall, an accomplished self-efficient woman.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would try my best to impart to myself the importance of studying and hard work. I would explain to him the extreme difference in dynamics between the amount of work, time, and energy that I used in high school and the amount I would need to use to be equally successful in college. I would tell myself that the onus of learning would be placed much more squarely on myself and that I would need to really self-motivate myself to do well. I would encourage myself to continue to stay involved in leadership positions and to join Intervarsity as soon I began to live on campus. I would also encourage myself to really step out of my comfort zone and make lasting friends and to understand that with the freedom college brings also comes added responsibility. Overall I would just impart to myself that finding a balance between work and play is very important and to make sure to enjoy my college years to the fullest.


The advice i would give to myself would be alot of beneficial information. I would tell myself to choose the school i wanted with alot of care because its going to be a important decision in the long run. Also on top of the school i would emphazise the importance to research how the campus is, how the teachers and classes are, as well as how the area surrounding the school is. The key is also to remember to not worry about what others think and how you think it will reflect on you, but to remember its your future and career so pick what you can do best. Transitions are rough and its all a new experience but i would tell myself to go with the best foot foward and always have a positive outlook on the day. Each day at the new school makes for a new adventure and learning experience, as well as doing good in the classes and not wasting time at the college. With all this information told to myself back in time i would assume that he would have a pretty good time in college.


It is said that you are not supposed to change the past. It is said that it can have detrimental effects on your existence. But if you could go back to change something, to make sure that you made the right decision, wouldn't you? If I could go back, I would tell myself to ignore the friends and parties. I would tell myself that in a year, I'll never see any of them again. I would tell myself to focus on my studies as hard as I can. The reason for this is that if I had tried harder in high school, I could have gone to a far better school. I would say "I come from three years from now, and trust me, it's terrible. What you are doing now is going to lead you down a road to a terrible school with little hope of a future. Go home and do homework. Study for hours. It will be worth it." The transition itself is easy, if you are transferring to a place where you actually want to be.