The University of the Arts Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of the Arts know before they start?


Make sure that your child has a basic knowledge of what they want to major in or what field they want to work in. If they are unsure let them take a semester or a year off to figure it out. Doing that will save a lot of stress, time, and money. Many people I know that went to my highschool still do not know where they want to study because they rushed into their education. Reassure your child that they are only young and that they still have time to figure it out and you will stand by whatever they wish to do. This will gain a lot of self confidence that will be required in the future.


Find a college that is in a place where you can see yourself living. Find a college with an academic program that fits you. Do not settle on this. Only go where they offer the classes that interest you. I know school can be expensive but it is worth going where it suits you best.


do what you think is right, dont go if you arent 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} into it or else you wont think it is worth it. also, have your kid pay for school so they take more responsibility and pride in their work. they will work harder.


Take the time to discover what direction you're heading in, not necessarily what you want to do specifically. I needed to be able to excercise my creativity artistically, but I didn't know what career I would pursue with an art degree. Knowing that I wanted to be in an art field was the first step in the right direction. I later decided to do Industrial Design. Take as much as you can from what your program and your school offers, and be there as much as possible. The work may be tough, but being at school and engaging with others and being in class will help you gain a better knowledge of your concentration, and you even make friends in the process. In a school like mine where so much time is spent in the studio, I couldn't imagine doing my work at home when I know I have fantastic resources and friends working on the same things at school, where we can help each other. Follow your heart to your major. Once you're there, use your experience to the fullest. You'll find yourself exactly where you want to be.


Advices I would give to any student trying to find the right school, and making the most of the college experience is to know what you want to do in your career, study what a college will give in benefit for your education, feel comfortable with the enviroment surrounding at the college, and just focus on your career! Do what you have to do to get what you need.


When looking for the right school make sure you do plenty of research on schools you are considering. To narrow it down try to pick the schools that best fit what you want to major in and what type enviorment you want to be in.


Don't overthink it. In the end it just college , its just the begining. In the words of Fats Domino, "A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B. " Thats what matters in he end, so just enjoy college while you still can!


get involved, stay focused and dont slack on the homework


Finding right college for you or your child is something I feel that the chind needs to take on himself. There are too many factors that one needs to realize before making a decision. From my experience, I needed to move away from my family home, so I could grow on my own into who I want to be. I feel like it was a tremendous decision in my life, but it may not be appropraite for all. Decide where you need to go, and then decide upon school based on what is going to fit your needs for what you want. After arriving to school, keep an open mind. Chances are, you will change your mind a few times on major, but once you settle on one, don't be affraid to do the work that you see fit. There are too many students enrolled in school that don't want to do the work, but it shouldn't be about doing work. It should be about wanting to be what you want. To get there, you have to do the work, but it should be thought of not as work, but as enriching your life and education.


Deciding on a college can be tough. You're going to be worried about getting a good roommate, making new friends, living away from home, and much, much more. It's a big decision, so take your time. Do your research, schedule visits and tours, talk to current students at the school, do what you need to do. The most important thing, though, is to make sure you pick a school that YOU feel is right for YOU. Don't base your decision on other people's opinions and expectations. Base it on how it feels to you. As for making the most out of the college experience, it's all what you make it. Get involved in clubs and extracurricular activities. Don't sit around doing nothing on the weekends, get out there and meet new people and try new things. As long as you stay true to yourself and be wise in your decisions, college will be one of the best experiences of your life.