I am gaining an education that reaches far beyond academia; I am learning tolerance, adaptability, collaboartion, and so much more.
I learned that I really don't like art school that much. I should have probably gone into design school or maybe trade school. However UArts is still a pretty good school, outside of my current major seems to be fun. It's really good to take classes outside and to also do your own research and ask questions and make sure to view your decisions wisely. Art school is no walk in the park.
I love UARTS. I met a lot of life long friends i have learned a lot of fun techniques from my super cool teachers. I know I have become a better artist already even though I have onlhy been here for a year and a half. I'm excited to learn more and hopefully succeed to have my dream career! Which would be to design the windows for Free People or to own my own store whether it be fashion, art, crafts and so on! I'm just an overall happy person but i really could use the money to help with my tuition !
I have gotten a great education and an experience of a life time here at the University of the Arts. Everything from my professors to the city I live in have made my college years worth all the hard work and effort I make to stay here. Next year I am planning to study abroad and although the city of Philadelphia has been good to me I am looking forward to what a new country has to offer and the new adventures I will be involved in.
This school emphasizes diversity amd creativity. It emphasizes that there is more than one way to go about a task. It wants to encourage students to use multiple different creative outlets for your own major. It also emphasizes student relations. There is a huge sense of community at this school. People are friendly with each other and protective of each other. The school also values the balance between independence and collaboration. A person learns how to be successful as a individual but also how to work with others in a productive way. Overall this school has taught me tolerance, creativity in places one would of never thought to look, community and openess to those around you.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is that i have learned alot. i know how to do things i never put mymind to doing my schoolis all about bussiness and they teach you how to become a very bussiness wise person they help you one on one they showed me that there is more to life then just trying to do something and to just go forward and become the successful person that i am. for me and my family. i love the college experience it gives mea great outlook on things and life and moving mea step closer to my career in life and i love it. if i could keep doing over again i would but you dont want to do that cause then it would take to long to get to your career but if theres one that i learned from this its to network and learn the three keys to success and onnce you do that then you will have everything yu need to know.
By going through college and be a part time worker on-campus, I have meet people from all walks of life in the community. I have grown more confident in dealing with situations of day to day life. I have been recently immigrated to the United States. Though having one year of campus experience, I have grown more acquanted to the new culture and circumstances here. Through my part time work on-campus, I have come to meet people in this diverse community and are now able to communicate simpler and more straight word. I strongle belive getting a college degree is precious which can even change our overall outlook of my life. Every year the government is spending huge amount of money for financial aid. Thus, it is clear the importance of college. From four years now on, I can dream of a professional in me looking more confident, happier, and proud. Thus, I am going to college no matter how much pain I have to take.
College has not only helped me redefine my goals, but redefine myself. I've learned we're not just who we are, but who we're able to pull out of who we are--who we can become with hard work, determination, and a willingness to grasp opportunities. I've also come to realize that life is what happens while you're making other plans, and what you don't think will happen, just might. The key to it all is accepting the challenges and moving ahead with your dreams. My college experience has been valuable because it has helped me realize what I knew deep down inside all along--what I really want out of life and what I need to do to get it. By the way, the line about "life is what happens" is not original. It's my mom's favorite Salada tea bag tag line, and to me it's the equivalent of Forrest Gump's mother's famous words about life being like a box of chocolates. You really don't know what you're going to get in life, but what makes all the difference is what you do with what you get.
My college experience has opened my mind and opened my heart to things I never thought I would see, feel or experience. I've met some extremely beautiful people, and learned some very valuable lessons about myself and my art along the way. It has been valuable to attend my school not only for the fact that I am pursuing my life long dream, but also because I am getting all the resources I need in order to truly be successful. This school is helping me become more comfortable with sharing the wealth of my heart and soul and hopefully having people appreciate and admire the work I have done and will continue to do for the rest of my life.
I got more confident in my work. As I aquire more knowledge and practise, my work noticably gets better. Plus the aspect of a competition in the invoirment is very helpful to push me to do great.