The University of the Arts Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of the Arts know before they start?


I know attend Notre Dame College of Maryland where I am working on my Masters degree in Leadership and Supervision 1. Being on campus with other educators has brightened the light on why it is so important for educations to work together. I feel so much more confident in my career as an educator. Teachers are bouncing ideas off of one another and it keeps our minds fresh and up to date with our students. I think if I could afford to be a career educator and attend school for the rest of my life I would. The professors here at Notre Dame take a true interest in the students and strive for success. They stand behind the mission and the community for which they serve. I can truly say, ?I am having the best time of my life and learning daily.? The mind is definitely a terrible think to waste.


From my first pirouette to my first vocal selection, I have always realized these gifts I have were meant for me to share. The University of the Arts(UARTS) not only allows me to share these gifts, but also nuture it. I know it's naive to think that I'm the only one who wants to see his name in lights; but it's more than just the fame, and even more than the applause. The remarkable feeling when I perform is like a surge of happiness: an unexplainable and complete joy. Whenever I'm at school and am performing or rehearsing I feel as though my problems don't exist, and I know it sounds clich?, but the musical theater department at Uarts has really saved and shaped my life. Uarts showed me to not only portray a character, but also become him. During the course of a show the character takes over me completely, guiding me to a place that I haven?t ever dreamed of going. I go on a journey into myself, as the character is changing me, he also continues to help me find my inner self. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Since I came into the school during the spring semester, I would probably recommend waiting it out to just start in the fall semester because although I'll be able to graduate faster I really need to cram in elective and liberal arts classes to catch up on credits.


If I could tell myself anything I would first say start preparing in my junior year. I thought that my counselors were exaggerating when they told us it took a lot, so I started super late and I had no idea where to start. I would also say apply to as many schools as you can so that you have more options and be realistic about what you can afford. I wanted to go to my school so badly that I didn't think to apply anywhere else or about how much money it would cost. As for the transition once I got to school I think I would say be open minded to new people and it's okay if you don't find a best friend right away.


College life is an experience that was unbeknownst to me until encountering and completing my fall semester. I got through it with the advice that was given to me by my peers and relatives, but mostly by the knowledge that I attained while experiencing it. If I could go back and give myself advice, I would tell myself many more helpful advocacy: First and foremost, I would tell myself to continue to have faith in my passion and to not give up, despite encountering obstacles. It was my belief in my skill that helped me persevere and that was the driving force behind my motivation. I would also tell myself to not get distracted by anything that will get in the way of achieving my goals. To balance my schedule and obtain better time management skills is something vital that I would mention. Ultimately, I would tell myself that college is a blessing and to not take something as precious as my education for granted.


When I was a senior in highschool I was very nervous about my freshman year of college. I was afraid about fitting in and making friends. I had always been a sweet person but I was very shy when I was in unfamiliar places and situations. I spent my senior year stressing out about how I would fit in and if people would like me. College has been amazing. I finally broke out of my shell and my shyness has disappeared. I no longer care what opinion other people have of me as long as I am happy. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to spend less time worrying. Everything unfolds as it should. I would tell myself to be confident and be excited instead of nervous.


Given the opportunity to venture back in time to my senior year of high school, I would tell myself first not to panic (about college and seeing me in the past...). One thing I was deeply concerned with when I arrived at my college was meeting new people. I was the only student from my high school to go to the University of the Arts (others have gone in the past, but no one in the school now is from my high school), and therefore nervous when I saw other people hitting it off with students they met during pre-college, summer classes, or even from their high school. It was overwhelming and I was beginning to think I wouldn't meet anyone at a school that should have so much variety among their student body. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to save the panic and the stress about forcing myself to meet people, since once orientation was over and classes started I met some great people and they quickly became my closest friends.


Commit to what you love now. Don't let other people's ideas about your future influence your decisions. If you love music, find a way to make a living playing music. The best profession is one you are passionate about being a part of. While it may be less lucrative and perhaps more difficult, doing what you love will ultimately make you happier than earning a better living doing something you hate. Commit now to pursuing your dreams because you're only 18 once. These opporunities dry up just as quickly as they materialize so don't let your dreams pass you by just because you're too afraid to pursue them and fail. Fear of failure is the only reason most people don't succeed doing what they love.


Do everything exactly the way you already did! Life is working out, just get more scholarships!


Be prepared to fail.... but don't expect it. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has bad days. Pace yourself, try not to get overwhelmed, but know you can and will do great things.