The University of the Arts Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of the Arts know before they start?


Although I have not been attending college for very long, I've come to grasp a number of valuable things. Like many others new to college I have learned the basics, like time management and the fact that being on time to class in your pajamas is better than not at all. However, observing other students around me has taught me something even greater, the importance of an education, itself. I've seen friends and classmates, brush off work and even class itself, not caring about the fact that their parents are paying thousands of dollars for those very classes that pertain to the well being of their own future. A few go out to drink and party, and when they return to realize the mistakes, it's already cost them something dear. Some never even come back. I have seen people around me squander their talents and throw away their futures for cheap thrills and it has assured me of one thing; I don't ever want to be one of them. I enjoy what I do too much to throw it away like that and I'd do whatever it takes to ensure that I finish school.


Partnership, dedication, creative and an open mind are what i have experienced after taking one semester in this school. This school offered me a chance to work with my friends, a chance to understand and observe other artists' ideals and together we made what best for us. This school made me want to be more dedicated, to work and to life. This school offered me a creative environment, to be created and to be accepted. This school teached my how an open mind help a person see the world like they've never seen it before. An open mind would help we understand things that normally we just ignore. It is valuable because I've never experienced any thing like this before. It is valuable because since attended to this school, I changed so much, as a person and an artist.


Not only have I gained much more knowledge for The University of the Arts than i ever expected, my school has provided many opportunities to channel my knowledge. Because all of my instructors, dance or academic, are still working professionals in their fields, they provide opportunities for us to experience the professional dance world. All students have the opportunity to work with our instructors outside of the classroom. This has been the most valuable experience I have had through my school. It allows us to tackle the unknown experiences about a professional career before we are forced to experience it.


College has not only been an educational learning experience but life long education in learning about people. The diversity of cultures, dreams, goals and the pursuit of the common desire to be successful not financially but within ones own self is key. Learning about our impact on the environment and how it will effect the future in so many ways has inspired me to focus on designing environmentally friendly and affordable products. I believe the encouragement to give back to the community emphasized at Uarts has helped me to keep that focus even while busy school schedules can occupy time. I have become a better person inward and outward through my college experience.


I have gotten an ever expanding bill because of my college attendance but I have to admit what I've received surpasses any fiscal stress. I came to college a bit hopeless, trying to answer the massive questions of my future like, who do I want to be when I finally graduate and what am I going to do with a degree. I had constantly compared myself to my twin sister, an artist as well who attends U Arts, and felt I was not up to pare for such an institution. I was basically lost. Coming to the University of the Arts made me realize that I probably won't be answering those questions, which in turn was what I actually needed all along. And even though I am mistaken for my sister everyday I feel like a belong. The professors here encourage you to continually change and grow as an artist, so who you are and what style you have one year may be completely different the following year. This experience has taught me to welcome such change and being unable to answer those huge questions about yourself is for the best, otherwise you're just boring.


I've been through the worst of times, but now I have begun to rebuild my life. 2 A's in my first 2 classes since I've been back. I would like to continue to grow in the right direction and your help would go along way in helping me achieve a better life>


College is nothing like I imagined it to be, it is far more greater and wonderous. Being a dancer, I came into this experience expecting to be home sick, unhappy, stressed, and most of all ready to quit. I have been through all of those emotions, fortunatley I passed that stage very early in the semester. I learned, I am not the most talented, I will dislike myself and I will doubt the gift I have been given while comparing myself to other students that attend this school. I have also learned that I am able to grow, learn, and love all that I have to offer. In short, I have gotten an understanding of self worth in my own eyes. I know to not compare myself to others around me, and when I do, I remind myself that I am growing and I will get there. This school provides possibilities and a hope for the profession I am in love with. I can say I am worthy to be at this school, when before I was the student in tears because she thought she could never be enough.


My college experience has been an exciting one. I have learned many things about myself. I'm an only child and I learned how much I relied upon my parents. College has taught me a whole new world of independence, one that I needed to learn. At first it was very difficult to do some things on my own. I found that I was calling home for advice a lot at first. However, as time went on, I was able to make more of my own decisions on my own. I'm proud that I was able to find that independence. In addition, since I was an only child, I wasn't used to living or sharing space with anyone else. Living on campus my first semester of college was definitely a valuable learning experience for me. I learned how to get along with other personalities in close living quarters. I had to learn how to share space with people, share belongings, but most of all share myself with people. My roommates have become important people in my life. My college experience has been rewarding in so many ways, unfortunately 200 words is not enough to describe all of them!


So far, I have learned how to work hard and manage my time wisely. It has been valuable because I have been able to express myself artistically and have some freedom to do what I want in an interesting city full of life. I have learned to bounce ideas off of other classmates and get feedback in order to make my work better.


I've gotten a chance to make some really great work while in the comfort of my school. I'm a film student, and I can't express enough how important it is to be able to use the facilities and resources we have available to us. Our professors ruitinely get us to go out to festivals and shows in order to get the most out of the city culture and learn from people who are making the art that we study.