The University of the Arts Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of the Arts know before they start?


Before heading off for college, I set many goals for myself: to broaden my horizons by learning more about different cultures, gaining skills in my field of study, and welcoming self-discovery. Less than two years later, I have found that my expectations have already been far surpassed! I am currently serving as an International Peer Mentor on my campus, where I meet with international students to help them adjust to life in the U.S and university. Also, just recently, I was given the opportunity to study abroad in London, and travel on my own to Paris and Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, and Toledo), where I delved into European culture, theatre, and art! My international experiences have helped me embrace cultural differences, while better appreciating every liberty and convenience afforded to me in the United States!Finally, I feel very accomplished academically because my dance professors are pushing me far beyond where I ever thought possible! The greatest thing I’ve discovered, so far, is my own sense of artistry! Additionally, my eyes have been opened to the vast, rewarding world of dance.I truly believe that my college experiences are shaping me into the person I want to be.


Aside from gaining knowledge about music in areas I never knew existed, UArts has allowed me to make lifelong friends and connections. The teachers here will push you. They want to see you succeed. They are constantly trying to get you gigs and get your voice to be heard. I have been inpsired in so many different ways every day I am in class at UArts. New songs appear to me out of nowhere, and I have this school to thank for that. Aside from the music department, UArts has so much to offer. I love being able to see what the visual art students are doing, the dancers, the actors. I am so lucky to say that I have shared a classroom with so many talented students and faculty members. The school continuously asks what they can do to make our time here better, and the best part is they really mean it. Students wanted to do more Pop singing, so the department started interviewing new teachers. We wanted more rock, so more ensembles were created. I've only been here for a year and a half and am so excited to see what they'll think of next.


College has given me wonderful experiences such as allowing me to learn in a classroom filled with ambitious students. Also in my Freshman year in college I gained more knowledge on my capabilities to learn and grow as an individual. I am currently the only person in my family attending college and it feels very satisfying to know that I will be someone with a degree in a field that I take pride in. My College has also gave me leeway to learn subjects in more detail, and at a higher level than orginally planned. Attending a community college where there are students from wide age ranges. I learned a lot from my fellow classmates who are much older and wiser than me, and I utilize this in every day experiences. I also believe that attending college has been very valuable because I gained more insight with subjects in my field from Professors who are currently experienced and enjoy sharing their knowledge with us. A degree in Nursing field allows me to utilize it in many occupational areas such as a hospital or even in the Military. I am completely satisfied in my college and believe it is valuable everyday.


I have only been attending The University of the Arts for half a semester so far, and I have already gained so much from it. When I first came to this college, I was a bit upset of the classes I was taking at first. Then after a while of being here, I saw how greatly this place has influenced me. I learned how to greatly analysis movies, and take the information from it to make great ideas for myself (original ideas that is). I learned how to pinpoint my ideas into smaller stories, making it easier for me to get a feel of how much to do for the type of shows and movies that I want to produce. From my Liberal Arts classes, I learned more about picking out topics and contexts from many of the books selected like "The Collector" and "The Tempest". Another one of my Liberal Arts class show me a world of how science and art combined over the years to make more discovery like E=mc squared. I have learned so many things from this school, more than I have ever known before. And this was just in one semester.


What I have learned from college cannot be explained in a text book or by a professor. I have learned more about how I want to live my life and where I want to go., and that has become more clear every day that graduation nears. I have learned who I can trust, how to ignore ignorant people, but most importantly I have learned and come to the realization that I can achieve something, anything, that I want to do in the future.


I have learned several useful lessons since starting college. I have learned that I really love playing music, more than I ever thought possible, and I would never want to do anything else. I have also learned to manage my money and time in such a way that I am living both healthfully and economically. Living in Philadelphia over 2,000 miles away from home has required me to grow up very quickly. Growing up is a very valuable thing to have forced upon me because I now know what it is like to do everything for myself while simultaneously being a good student and staying focused on school. I have learned a huge amount about my major, Piano Performance, and about music in general. I have also started learning how to get my music heard and how to make a name for myself, which is a huge part of being a musician. Everything I have learned so far in college will help me immensly in life after school. I am so grateful that I have been able to attend this school, and I hope to continue attending and learning here for the rest of my college career.


College has been a very surprising and unexpected experience. In high school, I wasn't planning on going to college. My father owns his own business and I always assumed I would take over his business. I wasn't driven in high school because I believed that my future was already set up. However, my family thought that some education was better than no education. While in college, I realized that I didn't like my future job as much as I thought I would. I wasn't happy or enjoying myself while at work. The more effort I put into my school work, the more realized that the job wasn't for me. In high school, I would not be in the same position I am now or any where close. I am applying to the University of Maryland. A few years ago, I wasn't looking at a four-year institution. Now, I could end up at a prestigious and an amazing university. College has obviously taught me a lot in the classroom, but I believe it taught me more outside the classroom.


I have gotten an amazing education with a fantastic opportunity for a lucrative career. The College I am attending is small and the professors truly care about each of the students academic achievements. It is important to everyone that we all succeed. I look forward to my future career with great enthusiasm. The "real world" experience I will gain in clinical settings will help to set me apart from others. I am very thankful for the opportunities that I have been given in order to better myself, and in turn offer my children a brighter future, as well.


Being a student at The University of the Arts comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility. The curriculum is designed to challenge the artist not solely by his/her talent, but by their drive and determination. The average theatre student takes up to 15-16 credits, however myself and many other juggle up to 17-18. The credits are dispersed over a wide range of classes, personally I am taking eleven. Along with eleven classes, I also have a paying job at the school box office. So far, my college experience is teaching me time management. It may sound cliche, but time management is imperative for an artist to harness. Without it, a working actor would not work. This actor would not be able to pursue his dreams while also handling a day job to keep a roof over their head. This college has been of great value to me by making me work harder than ever before for what I love, and teaching me my craft is more than just spectacular performances. Art is about devotion and effort, a concept I was aware of, but only in college did I put into effect.


So far, I've gotten a magnificent experience out of attending UArts. This lovely college is set in Philadelphia, which is a colorful city in itself-- colorful in many aspects. The art scene here is amazing, and going to UArts and having graduated from the High School for Creative and Performing Arts really makes me feel like I'm a part of this awesome art scene. I love the fact that the foundation year (the first year here at UArts) granted me an opportunity to dip my hands in a variety of aspects of the visual arts and find out where I’m most comfortable. I’ve gained more experience in the art of animation, I’ve learned about the hidden history of animation, and I’ve discovered a love for woodwork. I’m also taking an illustration elective to get a glimpse of that major as well. Through this program, I’ve solidified my decision to take animation as a major. There’s so much that I’ve learned in UArts that it is pretty difficult to condense it into 200 words or less It’s an experience that I wouldn’t trade in for any other.