I would advise myself to be the same person going into college. I would also tell myself to continue the routine that I did in highschool.
I would tell my younger self that I just needed to attend the classes and I would eventually graduate. I was too easily distracted and took some bad advice. 10 years later, I still don't have a degree but I am working on finishing it now. I would tell myself to stick with it and become more disciplined cause it would all be worth it in the end. It is very difficult to go back and finish after time off, so if I became overwhelmed or needed some time I should take fewer courses the following semester instead of not taking any classses. I would also tell the younger me to stick with school and that there is still time to have fun after graduating college, in fact it will be more fun. The only thing I should have focused on was commiting to school and staying on track.
I would tell myself that I should do some research before deciding which college that I want to attend. I would mention doing a college stats search by Googling it or checking College Navigator, or the like. I would definitely determine their tuition costs and available financial aid. I would want to know how they teach and how helpful they are. I would want to know about their accreditation status. Last but not least, I would take some personality, interest, and skills tests to find out what degree program I would want to enter if I did not know already. Then I would check the job market statistics to see if I stand a good chance of getting a job in that field of study.
Going on my third year of college, I learned alot academically and how college works finacially. If I can go back in time to my high school self, I would tell him alot on what to expect and what he should watch out for. The very first and main thing I would tell myself in his first year of college is to stay focus on my work because if he doesn't he will lose his scholarship and miss the first week of school when second semester starts and will be on academic probation. Then when second semester starts I will tell him not to get distracted because if he does his gpa will drop harshly and tell him that its not easy to bring it back up. Mainly just tell myself that take your freshmen year seriously because if he do that he won't have to go through what I went through his freshmen year and he won't be in finacial trouble like I am now. I would of told myself alot more stuff but those are the main things, and it all starts freshmen year because I did great my sophomore year.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would give myself the same advice that I have given my 20-year old daughter. I encourage her to finish school and enjoy life without taking on other peoples burdens that are not traveling in the same direction as she. Before attaching yourself to someone for life, at an early age, finish your college. Life is short, and you may want to have a better career one day, so take time to enjoy all of your free time, while you are alone. Learn to love you, and I encourage her to take subjects that will give her the best bang for the buck, and try to visualize yourself doing that job or career choice for 365 days of the year. Knowing what I know now, has given me an edge on life, and I feel that I am able to counsel, and learn from others without feeling silly in the process. Learning is a valuable asset, and when you have the freedom learn without interruption, it is truly a blessing. It is a time in my life to focus and reflect .
If I could go back and talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to not procrastinate. Going to school while having a full-time job is and will continue to be stressful. Pay attention in every class and take them seriously, even if you do not like them very much because those are the ones you will have the most trouble with. Make sure you read all the assigned chapters of any textbook. Many times in college classes, it is the same material. If you read and rememer it from high school, it will make things that much more easier in college.
If I could go back in time and speak with my high school self, I would tell myself to be open-minded to the instruction and communities around me. I would let my high school self know that I should not be deterred when obstacles might arise. Life is not always daisies and sunshine and it is okay to feel stressed, it is just part of growing up and learning. I would also tell myself that experience provides the best lesson in transitioning into the adult world. Take every moment for what it is worth, and focus on yourself and broadening your horizons. That would be the most sincere advice I would give. In these times of negativity I would remind my younger self to breathe, and take one day at a time. Make the best out of every situation, and push yourself to succeed. If I could go back and have a heartfelt conversation, at the end I would smile for my journey now is far more than I could ever have imagined when I was a high school senior.
Valerie Curtis
June 1st, 2013
If I was able to go back and talk to myself in high school I would say, college is once in a life time kind of deal, you can always go back as many times as you want but you can't get the time you wasted back, go to college stay in college and gradate with all your friends, find what makes you happy though out school, there is two years of just G.E and between that is what you want to do with you life. If i was to go back in time, i don't believe I would do so, I know i missed so much already but i love my life and where i stand, it will always have its ups and downs, but its my life and i take it all that it does come with, no matter how bad it gets, I know I will always walk up the next day, loving my life, loving my family, even more so loving my son.
I would tell myself to focus on career and not rush into marriage at such a young age. I would also recommend that I return to school for healthcare because with the upcoming changes occurring and the population growth that this would be a great careeer path for myself and that I would love it.
I would say to take business classes sooner, to prepare for your restaurant/buffet plan. It will be video game themed, with some of my own original recipes.