Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition the advice I would give myself would be that while being on my own has many temptations every decision can have consequences whether good or bad. For example, you may be tempted to go out to parties with friends. While that may be fun if there’s work, that you need to complete that is your priority because that’s why your there. You’re there to get your education and be the first one in your family to earn a college degree.
Another example, is that there will be large amounts of financial temptations. For instance, a portion of student loan monies is given to you to help with living expenses while in college. When that happens take only 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the total amount given to you each semester and take the rest and start to pay back on your student loan so by the time you’re ready to graduate you would have paid back at least 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the actual loan amount you have borrowed. Also, if you could get additional scholarships and grant to lessen the amount needed to borrow do so as well.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first of all say hang in there and graduate, do not settle for anything less even a G.E.D. I would also tell myself not to take my time about returning to school i.e after almost all of your children are grown, but instead head into that classroom take charge and become the person you were meant to be, before you hit 40. I would tell myself that life will be full of challenges however if you work harder and smarter you will accomplish every ounce of goals that I put in front of my path. Challenges and obstacles will make me stronger and everytime I meet or exceed those challenges I am setting the presidence for what my children will accomplish. Do not wait, now is the time.
To go ahead and go to college it is not as bad as I thought. and to get all my paper work in and done before class starts. So I wouldent have to do it all at once. Oter than that I would leave a few surprises so I wouldn't be board.
I would tell my high school senior self to go to a community college. Where tuiition is much cheaper and you won't have to worry about spending thousands of dollars 10, 20, 30 years later, only to end up graduating from a CUNY college with a bachelors degree anyway. I would tell myself to not get caught up in bad company and to stay focused because time flies and before you know it many unproductive years could pass leaving you feeling depressed, unsuccefully and left behind. Don't listen to those negative voices telling you that you can't do any better and you will never be able to reach the level of success necessary to do anything. You will have days when you feel a lack of confidence, and a lack of ambition, but push on. The harder you work today the less of a struggle it will be when you get older. The sky is the limit and only you can hold yourself back. Talk to career counselors and people in your field of interest to assist with goals and aspirations. Stay focused and make sure that what you do can help yourself and others around you.
I would place my experienced hand upon his wiry shoulder and look into his naïve expression and I would sincerely say, “Don’t wait. Don’t do things the way I did. Don’t struggle through life for eight years and let hitting rock bottom be your inspiration for going back to college. You don’t regret how you lived your life, but you will wish you did it in a different order.”
I would then turn my freshly enlightened self toward the office and tell him, “You get your butt down there and talk with the councilor. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. Be proactive. Do it now so you don’t end up with all of my responsibilities; balancing full-time employment with full-time education with full-time fatherhood. College life isn’t all that hard, it just takes true dedication, you are responsible for your own actions, and no one else is going to do it for you.”
With that, I would kick myself in the behind, sending me on my way, calling out, “Oh yeah! When you’re 22, don’t eat the soup at Jerry’s house!”
I would suggest to everyone do your research and make sure that you are around postive indivduals who want to see you flurish forward and make a postive note in society. If you are to succeed you need to alway remember that you can make it just alway tell youself to keep a positive mode at all times.
As a high school senior please make sure to enroll in College after graduation. Doing this, will ensure your future financially and personally. If you graduate College, receiveing your degree opens doors for more opportunities and allows the opportunity for your to use your knowledge, and skill in the most beneficial ways. This way you don't have to worry about enrolling later in life and given youself better opportunites as well.
Right after I graduated high school I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter I lost everything had a full ride to ASU on a basketball schlorship. I don't regret having my daughter but I wish I would have waited having children until I was done with going to college and finding a dependable job. So instead of being 27 years and not having a full time job I would have my degree so the jobs that require degree I would have it completed already. I am a mother now my children have a while going to college but I want them to see if mommy can go to college and accomplish it with getting a degree they can accomplish the same goals.
I would have told myself to now have waited so long to go to college. I waited 10 years before I decided to go to school. It was a employee package that our employer paid for us to go to school and get some much needed college coursework to help us with our job. I still till this day, cant beleive I waited so long.
If I could talk to my high school senior self , then I would say good job on not getting caught up in teenage activities that could of harmed me and affect my future. I honestly do not regret any of my high school life because I was a top notch student who card only for his grades and academic well-being. I say if it were not for my good behavior, then I would have gotten my degree now in college. High School prepared me for being somewhat independent about my academics and decisions I must make in order to pursue my dreams. I learned how to get use to working hard and applying detail to my work. My high school was the best at giving me the chance to explore and discover myself before I get to college. I, again, do not regret any history of my high school years because they were worth my whole life and future.