As a high school senior I just wanted to leave. I had a business job I was working for and I was going to continue in for the rest of my life. I saw so much opportunity and believed I did not need any college help to continue my dream of becoming rich. I thought there would be no reason to explore options in college, that I did not need any of that. My guidance counselors seemed like a waste of time for me nor did I believe they had my best interests in mind. I was wrong, I should have listened. I went on my way as a high school graduate thinking that this life would be great, I was moving along with promotions at my job without a college degree. My grand dream of the company I worked for decided their dream was over and sold themselves to another company, which did not have the same views. The dream of advancement ended there, and I found myself stuck with nothing more than a high school dimploma and a shattered dream. I should have known this my senior year, and planned better, rather than transitioning to college now.
If I could go back I would tell myself that college is a place of open possiblities. To not worry about where you are going or what you are going to major in. College is the place to test the waters for your major. Take the classes you have to have to graduate but also take some random classes. Classes that will introduce you to other fields you might not think you would like. College is fun, and an excellent experience for anyone, and in the end you will learn something if not in class you will learn something about yourself that is worthwhile. That is what I would tell myself as a senior.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself is to take education seriously. You need a college education in order to get a good paying job with benefits. You want a job you love and not one you dread going to everyday. You need to sit down and really think about what you want out of life. Don't think that you will find a husband that will take care of you. Things happen such as divorce and death and you need to be prepared even if your husband has a good paying job. When you go to college you will learn about yourself and who you are. Getting a college degree gives you a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem. If you plan to have children, you want to be a good role model for them and getting a college degree is one way to do that. Life is hard. Don't make it harder than it has to be by not preparing yourself by graduating college. Be strong! You can do anything you put your mind to!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a High School Senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition the advice I would give myself is to not put all my eggs in one basket. I would tell myself to apply for ever scholarship that I possibly could and to open every door that is presented to me. I assumed that my Track & Field career would carry me though College and that was not the case due to me being diagnosed with Crohn?s Disease while in college. I would warn myself to have as many options as I could in order to make College a fun experience and not one full of stress.
Well I would tell myself to start earlier like right after I had my son to get started. Dont put it off you can do it just have faith in yourself. Even with three kids you should know that you can do it and if you get started befor J.J. becomes moble.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would stress how important college is. I wish I had completed my education years ago when I did not have to work full time. Although age has given me wisdom and insight into the importance of education, I could have accomplished more. I would tell myself, its ok to take time off but then jump back in the game. With an education there is so much more oppertunity for growth in your professional and personal life. An education can put you in a rewarding career where you can make a difference and enjoy it at the smae time. College is not like highschool. In colege there is always a group or an area to belong. The diversity of acedemics and extra-curricular activies is astounding. College not only prepares you for the real world, it provides a community of support, interests new ideas that you have never thought of. Also, the friends you make in college are friends you will have for life. The bond you creat with them is very strong. I would tell myself, open new doors, take a risk, create great memories. Go to college!
Start immediately! Don't put it off. I would recommend starting at a local community college to stay close to home. By doing this, it would allow me to have close guidance from my parents. Also, the cost of community college is a lot less than that of a university. After getting an Associate's Degree from a community college, the next step would be finding a university that specializes in the career path that I have chosen at that point in my life. Early in my college career, it would be best while taking basic classes geared towards my associate's degree, choose a career based on interest, need, financial security, and retirement.
Do not hang-out with Earl. He is bad news and focus on Dentistry early. Do not be affraid to be smart, get your degree while others plan to be the next "Puff". You have all the tools you will need to succeed, just believe in yourself. Oh yea and be on time for work!
Going back in time that would be a big benefit. I was a bit of a rebel, so i would have to tell myself to pay attention and don't be affraid to take advice. Try to experience as much as you can in the field you are planning to study for. Try not to space out highschool and college by 8 years. The partying you are doing isn't going to help you when it comes to being a role model for your children. Taking risks isn't always bad as long as they are calculated. You are not meant to work in a factory so stay on top of your game when it comes to your school career. You may not be a model student but when you see you children for te first time you know in your heart and soul, providing for them and showing them the way is a great reason to set your goals high and keep a level head. The road is going to be bumpy but remember the glory of being a father will will you through storm.
Assuming that I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior high school student I would encourage to not let up no matter what the cost. The temporary satisfaction verse the long term goal and achievement of not completing college and having to pick up again after many years is not worth it. My advice would be to endure the transition, stay connected with your classmates, guidance counselors and teachers. If necessary seek out tutorial assistance and maintain a balance of steady educational goals at the forefront of your moral compass. No mater what - don't give up or sell yourself short of completing your degree early in life. The more you learn, the more you earn in a society that demands the value of an education. Keep constant contact with your educational direction knowing that it is only a few short years to achieve greatness and success once you have completed the toal college life experience and degree.