I would grab my shoulders, shake me , and say; put your mind to work, your smater that you think, ask for help, theres a lot out there, keep you mind on school, stay away from the boys, college will be fun if you let it! you will make great friends and have awsome career possabilities, and a fantastic future. Start applying for as many scholarships as you can now, you will need them! be safe, be smart and you will go far. Have faith in your self and the people around you.( they will be there for you!)
I would reassure myself of the importance of education. After High School I got a job making great money and thought I was done. It wasn't until I got pregnant and had my own son that I no longer was available to work the 70 hours a week I was working and living in an aggresive neighborhood in Las Angeles, California.
I would say, Joleen, you need to think about the future. I would give myself several senarios as to why it is important to go to college. I would be my own educational advicate. I would tell myself how easy it was to enroll.
I thought I knew it all in High School and I did not see the importance of continuing my education.
I would give myself the advice I gave to my nephew who recently graduated, we live in a very competative time. So many people are going into the work place without going to college. At first your personality and hard work will get you by however, it is your educationa and degree that will help you climb the ladder of success, instead of staying in the same place year after year.
The first thing I would keep telling myself is that I can do this. I can go to college and have the support I need when I am scared to think this is to hard or to much for me to handle. I would also tell myself not to be shy to ask for help. The staff is here for me and if I don't understand something or am having trouble with something, don't be scared to stop and ask for help. No one will make fun of you for asking for help. The last thing I would keep telling myself is that everyone there has been in my shoe's. Everyone that is just starting out has felt what I am, and it will get better as time goes on.
There is no better time than the present to pursue a degree in higher education. Although my spare time will be limited for a few years, the opportunities and chances for advancement in the future will be unlimited by completing my education while I'm young.
I will remember to take time for others during this journey. Find extra-curricular activities and clubs on campus that can help me expand my community involvement. Learn to cut corners on expenses by making wiser and better choices. Most of all, I will listen to the elders in my life who want to share their experiences and guidance so my errors are fewer along the way.
I spent my senior year having a good time and not really worrying about how I am going to get ways to pay for college. I automatically assumed my mom had an account set up for me that would allow me to go to college without having to resort to scholarships. Unfortunately I did not have that luxury and by the time I realized I could get scholarships, half of them I could not qualify for because I had to be a high school senior. I would tell myself to really take the time and get as much information about scholarships that you can. College is soo expensive but necessary for a good career in life. If you take the time and submit to scholarships it will pay of in the end and I wouldn't have to worry about this expense that I am going to have to pay once I am out of college. If I knew then what I know now, I would be finished with school with little money owed to student loans.
Teana be happy that you have an easy senior year in front of you, however, become a well rounded student. Now is the time to go out and find organizations to volunteer with on a weekly basis. I know mom did not tell us that her finances would be a burden on our chances of finishing college, but now that you know take time to get as many scholarships as you can, so that you are not working for your BA degree at twenty-three years old. It was hard for me to leave CSU Northridge because mom could not afford it, but if you read this message in time, you can get enough finances and graduate by the time you are twenty-three and be working hard at or dream career of being a Marriage Family Therapist. Good luck!
Patty, you are worthy. You have your whole life ahead of you, and no, 24 is not old. You do not need to put so much effort and emphasis in being jealous of those other popular girls. Having a date, or a boyfriend for that matter, is not the end all of your high school years. Give yourself credit for the intelligent, pretty and empathetic person that you are. Look to the future! You know if you put your mind to it you can and will succeed at whatever it is you set your heart on. Believe me when I tell you that getting married and having babies is not a race. In your generation women will be pursuing careers and getting established, owning homes and then starting their families in their thirties and even forties. Advancements will be made in science and technology to allow child birth into the age of forty and people will be living far past their seventies! So slow down, take a breath, concentrate on your classes and focus on college and plan for a full and rewarding future.
What are your plans after graduation? What further career would you consider pursuing?
Now that you are a senior in high school make sure you have all your credits for graduation. If you have not already, send off college application and apply for scholarships. Now that I am in college I find myself saying I know this or should know this, I took this in high school. College is not just for the highest G.P.A anyone who are willing to study and genuinely make a change for themselves for a better future should apply. I did not do as well as I liked to in High School I often treated some classes as if I would never see the information again I was wrong. While applying for college I knew there would be challenges and I accept those challenges and overcame them. I study extra hard to keep up due to some slacking I did in high school, but I am now trying to maintain a 4.0. I have set my academic standards high. Never get discourage, if you have big dreams, reach for them. The stars are the limit. You can do it!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school ,One of the first things I would say,You better on go now instead of waiting all the jobs in the furture are not what they are .Hamady Bros will be out and Kessels will sell out to Krogers.Fisher body will be torn down and all the shop jobs will bacilly dispear.Flint will be a town hit hard by recission and colleges will move in.You will get married and have 2 children no bigboy job Delta Tube job or In terior Automotive job.So Larry of 1982 look into the eye of Larry Kelley of 2010 >Going to college know will be the things you need.Study harder ask for help.If you dont belive im you here my driver lincences,the wright the number hasnt change and neither has your social security number. Rember this in the summer of 1982 Mike Rogers one of your class ates will not live thur the summer after the accident Larry rember my words go back to school.
I would tell myself that my family was right. Getting your education is very important in the value of your choices of your future. Partying isn't everything and true friends should want you to succeed in life. Stop being lazy and take life by the horns and get to school.